A moth flew into the fire, the fire burnt a moth, and disasters happen for a cause.

Fruits grow flowers, flowers beget fruits, and benevolence opens the right doors.

– Yingming Hong

Contemplating Mr. Hong’s quote of wisdom I realize as early as Ming Dynasty they have a profound understanding of “Cause and Effect”. I felt emotional And owed them deep respect. Though “Soul Contract (also known as Soul Plan)” and “Law of Consequence” are heard of long ago and certain “Cause-and-effect” cases are well known, their true facades are still hidden. This may due to my ignorance but I still find it worth my while to finish this lengthy article for myself and others. I find writing a way of learning and consolidating my knowledge. I admit writing is a laborious process yet in the form of “Psychic Writing“, it was a rewarding feeling absent from other manual choruses. I mentioned it earlier in an article entitled “Who am I?”.

The “Soul Contract” and the “Law of Karma” are intriguing, due to the existence of the “Veil of Forgetting”. Those who know are not inclined to talk and those who don’t find it unfathomable. For a long time, people in the world can only get a glimpse of it, rather than the whole picture. It just happened that at the right space and time, I received information and want to share it with you. You may be curious as to how I can review this divine secret. This is exactly the secret of the “Soul Contract” and the wisdom of my spirit guides whom I have to thank for their inspiration. This I will have to discuss in another article entitled “The Third Eye”. I would attempt to introduce the complex concepts of “Soul Contract” and “Law of Consequence” as briefly as possible and their relationship so readers can have an outline of their characteristics. I hope each reader can exercise individual thinking rather than accepting or rejecting the whole theory. The cliche is: “The truth is out there, those who seek shall find.”

Metaphysics is a multidimensional scientific conceptual knowledge of the universe. However, in this human secular world, we are used to using Linear logic to analyze matters. In order to overcome the restrictions of language I have to describe a 3D matter on a 2D Dimension, section by section, plane by plane. I would use terms such as levels (in concepts) and heights (in frequency) to describe their positions. To figure out these concepts we have to understand the following terms. Other related parts are contained in the links.

Basic Concepts of “Soul Plan” and “Law of Consequence.”

A soul plan (or Soul Contract) has been understood as destiny. A soul plan is not a plan entered into by force or request, but a pre-birth plan decided by the soul voluntarily. It is nearly a blueprint or a planned curriculum. In reality, it is a lifetime “soul contract.“ Its meaning is more important than its name.

“Karma” or “cause-and-effect” is usually a part of this “soul plan”. Once you have chosen to reincarnate as a human and in the process, you need to associate with society and “cause and consequence” will result. It is a matter of intensity and time. In this evolution process, “cause and consequence“ will reach a balance. Hence the law of “cause and consequence.”. In the evolution of the universe, the Creator has devised this most meticulous law and balance mechanism.

In the Law of One, RA has explained that “Cause and consequence” can be considered inertia in physics, which balances our destinies. In the absence of free will or action to redeem or stop this process, it shall carry on.

In the evolution of our souls on the Earth, “Soul Contract“ and “Cause and Consequence” are like twin sisters, following each other like body and shadow. It affects our daily lives as well as the progress of our souls.

The Relationship between Soul and Human

The basic difference between a human and a soul is: a soul is an individual entity, and a human is not. A man is a mind/body/Spirit Complex. The mind/Spirit Complex is what we call the soul. When the soul leaves the body, The human body dies. A Soul never dies, it just returns to its true home. The body is a vehicle for the soul’s evolution. If this concept is not evident to you, please be kindly advised to read the following articles: “Why we are human? “, “What is the Nature of Humankind? “, and “What is the Nature of the Soul? “Those will help you understand this article.

The Difference between Biological DNA and Spiritual DNA

Biological DNA mainly refers to deoxyribonucleic acid in the body or biology. They are characterized by (biologically) molecules of nucleotides on opposite strands of the DNA double helix, which form chemical bonds with each other. These chemical bonds act like rungs on a ladder and help hold the two strands of DNA together.

This article mainly refers to a person at the time of pre-birth, a soul needs to decide to select suitable parents (Biological DNA) in order for the self to well execute its own Soul Contract; Regarding spiritual DNA it means the experience in memory of its evolution carried by the soul. The total memory of the process of evolution.

In the process of evolution, the positive pole and the negative pole consciousness meet, and the consciousness is like a serpent spiraling up from the bottom chakra, just like the metaphor of the evolution of the octave mentioned by the Density of the universe and the seven chakras, along the energy center, the internal and external Where essences meet, push upwards. The so-called “point of encounter” is actually the position or level of consciousness of an entity at the moment. To continuously raise or push up the consciousness of an entity, that is, to raise the level of consciousness. They are made of two energies. Please refer to the explanation of “Kundalini” in the article “Meditation” in the article “Soul Path”. Learn more… >

Each mind/body/Spirit Complex is unique in its body and soul. Even in twins, their biological and spiritual DNA is different. What causes such diversity? What are its purposes?

Biological DNA

Biological DNA is a molecule in all living organisms that carries the genetic code that helps them reproduce, grow and function properly. All humans share the same basic genetic makeup. But the specific genes you inherit from your parents also give you a special mix of traits that make you biologically unique. It gives you hair, skin, and eye color, height, body shape, facial features, and a thousand other outward features. It also has some influence on your personality and your emotional and mental makeup.

So DNA helps to make you unique and diversify the human race. It makes life more interesting because it would be boring if we were all the same. But the reason for this diversity is not just diversity or fitness in the healthy gene pool. In keeping with the evolution of the spirit, the physical body of man also undergoes tremendous evolution during the three cycles of experience on Earth.

Spiritual DNA

The Infinite Creator has given us its so-called spiritual DNA. Among other things, we inherited these to distinguish good and evil and choose between them. We account for all our actions, and are receptive to knowledge, truth, love; and the ability to receive divinity.

Similar to our biological DNA, our hereditary legacy unites us as a family. This helped us to understand our souls, despite our life circumstances. Our spiritual DNA is perfect because our true identity is part of the creator.

When we know our identity, we know our true potential. We can be more like the creator. More importantly, all people around us have the same potential. When this truth is imprinted on us, we shall feel our humanity with more warmth and variety. We feel unity as brothers and sisters. The unique nature of our soul is part of the creator’s plan and each of us can, through our character by choice, serve others and generate our special contribution.

There’s still a lot we don’t know about how biological DNA really works to generate all the novelty and diversity we see in living things. But when it comes to the human family, we know the most important thing: Despite our differences, we are all interconnected. We are all equal. We need to love each other. Likewise, when it comes to our spiritual DNA, we know the most important thing: We are part of the Creator and part of this extended family. Each of us is a unique spirit. We can each become more like him if we follow his plan.

Mystery of Reincarnation & Veil of Forgetting

In the theories of Eastern religions, Reincarnation is usually considered that a person has not yet completed the “karmic debt” and must be reborn as a human until the karmic debt is paid off. The HUAXINSI theme article regards Reincarnation as continuing to complete studies. Because, Reincarnation is not necessarily related to “karma”, it may be the rest of the syllabus required to continue to complete the third Density. Incarnation is a broader definition that includes the entire concept of Incarnation and Reincarnation. Learn more… >

“Veil of Forgetting”, also known as “Spiritual Amnesia”. It is the Creator’s special design for the evolution of third-Density life. Its purpose is for third-Density beings to be tested “without knowing it”, just as students in schools have to take closed-book tests and exams – this is a necessary process.

The reason why we choose to be human is to learn and experience the life of the third-Density planet Earth through the “veil of forgetting”. The theme of the third-Density evolution is the experience and learning of “social relationships”. In order to graduate from the third Density, we must learn how to forgive, appreciate, and love through the interaction of “social relations”. Also, we have to preview some fourth-Density lessons: “Love and Understanding”. You can understand the things you have never experienced before as “new lessons”; understand the unbalanced “karma” as “old lessons (or repeat) lessons”. All lessons are related to Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Love“。

The soul is not a part of man, but the subject of man. The body is the vehicle of the soul, and the third-Density planet is the “Path” that the soul must pass through. A famous saying can sum up the relationship between soul and human: “We are the multi-dimensional beings having the human experience“.

The Difference Between the Human Cycle of Experience and Spiritual Evolution

The complete cycle of human and life evolution on Earth is 75,000 years; the spiritual evolution in the universe is divided into seven levels. It is an endless, cyclical process. The soul belongs to the third-Density level of consciousness, the entity that is experiencing life on earth. Therefore, the evolution of the soul is closely related to the earth. learn more……

According to the law of the evolution of the universe, each planet has its evolution cycle. Each cycle of the earth is 25,000 years, and a complete cycle is 75,000 years, that is, three 25,000 years. Currently, Earth is at the end of the third 25,000 years and is in the process of transitioning into the fourth Density. This transition, calculated from now on, will take about 100 to 600 years, depending on the condition and speed of the collective consciousness of human beings. At that point, all life will be harvested, regardless of One’s consciousness progress. For, by that time, the planet itself has passed through the usable part of the Dimension and begins to cease to function in the lower vibrations. Learn more… >

RA revealed that at the end of the second cycle of the earth (about 25,000 years ago), the average lifespan of human beings once reached 900 years. The population at that time was only about 345,000. During the harvest season, only 150 entities can be harvested. However, these entities decided to stay and help other entities grow spiritually due to the visitation of the Federation of Planets. The RA revealed that these great spiritualities are recorded in the history of our humanity. They are Saint Augustine, Saint Teresa, and Saint Francis.

In order to save space, we only focus on the relationship between man and the third cycle of experience of the soul on Earth. Generally speaking, a person’s education starts from infancy and is spent in learning and experiencing throughout his life. The Life Cycle of a person is generally about seventy to eighty years old; while the soul is eternal. The soul measures its growth in terms of its increased consciousness. Increased consciousness is also understood as “spiritual evolution”. There are seven levels of spiritual evolution. Earth belongs to the third level, or third Density, in the evolutionary hierarchy of the universe. Within each level of evolution, there are seven sub-levels to infinity. Learn more… >

In other words, the Body Complex of a person (on average) dies within seven or eighty years of birth; but the soul, besides being eternal, has a particularly long way to grow. Its cycle of experience in third Density is closely related to the cycle of its planetary evolution. Take the soul reborn as a human on earth as an example, the longest experience period can reach thousands of years or even over ten thousand years. There are also some souls who have experienced the most glorious history of mankind – Atlantis and are still in Reincarnation. It has been more than twelve thousand years since the fall of Atlantis. Learn more… >

In the material world, there is no widely accepted standard to measure a person’s success. If anything, it is that people habitually use “achievement” in various industries as a measure of a person’s excellence; but in the spiritual world, the measure of an entity’s evolution (high or low) is determined by the level or position of its consciousness. It can be discerned from the color spectrum of the entity’s crown chakra and its vibrational frequency. The color spectrum and Vibration Frequency of the crown chakra are the criteria for measurement. Consciousness is love. Learn more… >

We habitually divide life into seven stages: infant, child, teenager, youth, middle age, prime of life, and old age. There are seven levels of evolution in the spiritual evolution of the soul; within each level, there are likewise seven sublevels. Similarly, we can also understand each cycle of experience of the soul in third Density as seven stages of spiritual learning (such as a person’s life), namely: infant, child, adolescent, youth, middle age, adulthood, and old age. In terms of learning, the soul and life are the same. They must experience and learn such as survival and instinctive response, self-growth, social relationship and interaction, love, understanding…etc. Just imagine how short a human life (about 70 to 80 years) is compared to an experienced cycle of the earth (25,000 years).

JP Van Hulle used the analogy of swimming on a beach to describe soul age levels in his teaching. Here’s an extended paragraph on that concept. His description is very interesting. The author borrows its description:

  • On the first floor, we are still adjusting to the new environment. We dipped our toes in the water, tested how cold it was, and wondered if we should go in;
  • On the second level, we waded further into the water, first to the ankles; then to the waist, trying to anchor ourselves in the current, not sure if we were ready to enter the water;
  • On the third floor or so, we finally dive into the water and fully immerse ourselves in the experience;
  • On the fourth floor, we came back for air and now felt comfortable in the water, diving below the surface to swim again, occasionally wading into big waves. We find the beach interesting and we teach others what we learn;
  • By the fifth level, we were bored and wanted something new. We grab our surfboards and start riding the waves, expanding how we experience a wider variety of beaches. We strive to exceed the limits of our abilities;
  • Near the sixth floor, another surfer thought we were taking the best waves and angrily pushed us off the board. We fell awkwardly back into the water, hitting our heads on a rock. It could be karmic rewards;
  • By level seven, we decided we had had enough and headed back to the beach, satisfied with the mastery we had achieved and looking forward to our next outing and new soul age stage exploration.

The above division of “soul age” is just to help readers better understand the growth of the soul. In fact, the growth of the soul is determined by its level of consciousness rather than its “age”; in the same way, the growth of the soul is not determined by the number of times the soul reincarnates, but by the color spectrum of an entity’s crown chakra and its Vibration Frequency. As mentioned above, the color spectrum and Vibration Frequency of the crown chakra are the criteria for measuring the growth of the soul. I will discuss this further in a blog post related to “Consciousness”.

Perhaps, the above metaphors and explanations can help you gain a little more understanding of growth on the soul level.

What is the Third Density Evolution Theme?

As stated earlier, for spiritual evolution, the Creator created seven levels of evolution in the universe, and each of these levels is called a Density. Each Density has its own evolutionary purpose and lessons to be completed. Each Density represents its place in the universe. It also represents the degree of evolution of life in this position. The eighth Density, like the eighth syllable of music, is the beginning of the next octave, to infinity.   Learn more… >

The theme of our human evolution in third Density is the experience and learning of “social relationships”. If we compare it to a school syllabus, it includes but is not limited to a person’s planning before birth, growth and adjustment after birth, and so on. Growth also includes: reading, work, socializing, marriage, raising children, and finally death (including the whole process of the soul after leaving the body and before Reincarnation).

Social relationship” can also be understood as “social interaction” and is the theme of third-Density evolution. It includes and goes beyond people’s habitual belief that individuals interact with people at all levels of society under the norms of behavior that are commonly recognized and observed by the public. It not only includes kinship and interpersonal relationships but also various complex relationships involving personal social status and social roles, politics, economy, culture, and life. For example: at home, there are relationships between children and parents, husband and wife, and relatives; at school, there are relationships between teachers and students, between classmates; in the workplace, there are relationships between colleagues and subordinates; have a cooperative relationship; in terms of gender, there are relationships between men and women, in addition to heterosexuality, there are also homosexual relationships; in society, the way and relationship between people become more complicated, except for the relationship between relatives, friends and other people mentioned above In addition, people will also use social platforms such as social platforms to interact with people they don’t know… All interactions may involve money, interests, desires, sex… and so on. Naturally, various problems and contradictions related to it will also be generated correspondingly and randomly. For example, the party with power, power, money, talent, and good looks tends to have the upper hand in communication; otherwise, the party will be at the disadvantage. Under such circumstances, if the dominant party goes to an extreme level, such as continuously escalating its methods of oppressing the weak; it is not difficult to imagine that the other party as the victim may be revenge in addition to “sit and die”. Don’t you see violence, murder, and other incidents are common in today’s society? Readers who are interested can refer to the author’s other humble article “Problems and Roots of Human Society”. Learn more… >

From a highly civilized point of view, all human beings have an “evil” side in their minds. Just imagine, have you ever wanted to be a celebrity? Or what about sports champions? Have you ever fantasized about being rich, famous, powerful, or superior to other people in any way? The desire to put yourself above others is the root of all evil. This desire stems from the “self”. Entities driven by ego, or “evil” as they are called, are not interested in fair sharing and equality; they are only interested in advantages。

“Evil” is an ideology. It is a state of mind that believes in its own superiority. The root of all evil is the ego, and our sense of self-love and self-worth stems from that. When you meet a creature or person you call “evil”, you are meeting One who is highly focused and directed from an ego-based perspective. Their sense of self-worth is very high, and they think they deserve the best. People don’t feel superior if other people have equal or greater experience. Therefore, the often ubiquitous goal of evil creatures/people is to lower the quality of experience of others. Because of this, they are notorious for bringing pain, suffering, and destruction. Rather than elevating the light in others, they wish to diminish it; to envelop everyone in darkness and make them feel like a burning candle in a dark room. As much as some of us may refuse to believe it, the fact that negative realities give these people, including each of us, the inner dark side, some of the most uplifting experiences。

Evil exists because “evil” is fun. Otherwise, there would be no negative reality. Celebrities, champions, rich and powerful wouldn’t exist in our reality if they didn’t have “inferior people” to compare themselves to. And, since most of us want to feel better or superior to other people at some point in our lives, we co-create and perpetuate a reality in which there are superior and inferior life experiences in contrast. How can you have a superior experience if there is no One in our reality who is lower than yourself and less fortunate to be able to compare yourself? You may not want to hurt someone in your pursuit of a celebrity or winning status, but whatever sense of superiority you seek is part of your self-serving, all evil comes from the dark side of people’s hearts. Learn more… >

In the design of the third Density, learn how to be “grateful, forgive, and love” from the experience of “social relationship“, so as to balance our unbalanced state on the soul level, that is, consciousness (Vibration Frequency), that is Theme of third Density evolution.

The author simplifies them to 1) One theme: social relationships; 2) two lessons: new and old lessons, and 3) three experiences: gratitude, forgiveness, and love. The new curriculum refers to the “third-Density syllabus”; the old curriculum refers to repeated courses. Whether it is social relationships or new and old lessons, they are all about the experience of gratitude, forgiveness, and love to learn and balance our imbalances on the soul level, that is, consciousness (vibrational frequency).

Social relationships and social circles are made up of different individuals. There are many factors in the depth and depth of human interactions and relationships. Among them, the most critical factor is whether they have common interests or whether they are attracted to each other. These mysterious factors are all related to the Soul Contract. Everything is not accidental.

Sou Group

The social circle mainly refers to the circle of friends that a person has made in this life and the so-called interpersonal relationship that he associates with. Each has the potential to make different levels of friends at different ages. Today, with the prevalence of the Internet and social media, people’s social circles are more diverse. Soul groups refer to the social circle after birth that is formulated on a spiritual level, that is, according to the “laws of karma” required by a person – it is part of the “Soul Contract. After Incarnation, these people belong to the same spiritual family as you and therefore have a strong connection that transcends time and space. A member of your soul group shares the same frequency or vibration as you, and this deep connection is often felt immediately upon meeting. These souls have been incarnated together many, many times. The energies between soul members of a soul group tend to overlap, and sometimes it can even lead to sharing thoughts, feelings, and even dreams with each other. A soul group can be described as consisting of souls who download from the same “energy plate”. They have a very strong bond and a love connection that transcends all the struggles of their lives. Being able to identify different people in different lives as current partners, siblings, and children in this life and recognize them as part of their soul group.

Soul Mate

A soulmate is a member of your soul group with whom your soul resonates strongly. It is love at first sight between two people, or a person who intuitively resonates after meeting by chance, even though neither of them knew each other before and had no contact. When you meet the members of your own soul group, from the first meeting we feel like family, we all experience an immediate connection and bond, it’s an incredible feeling and for all the time we’ve known each other Nothing has changed.

Individuals, groups and their Karmic Relationships

These soul groups can start with two people and extend to a family, all relatives, friends, and relatives in a village, people known and unknown in a community, all people in a city, different peoples in a country, and people on a planet. Life and species of different colors, a galaxy, and even all life in a common universe. Of course, generally speaking, you can understand a large group as a “collective”.

Individual karma and collective karma are also understood according to the same extension of the concept. As mentioned earlier, with association comes the opportunity to generate “karma” or “Cause and Effect.” Since the “karma” part is another topic, please refer to “Karma Balance Mechanism” and “Law of Karma ” for further description.

Karma is cause and effect. Where there is cause and effect, there is destiny. Cause and effect determine the basic path and direction of life, which is the so-called destiny. Causation is further divided into personal causation and collective causation. Personal karma affects individual destiny; collective karma affects the direction of individual and collective destiny. Destiny is cause and effect; it is an individual pre-Incarnation contract, linked to collective cause and effect. In fact, it is the arrangement of the soul’s “Higher Self”. These memories will be engraved on the roots of the tree of consciousness.

Personal karma is closely related to related individuals and collectives (family, company, group, region, country, and even the universe). In fact, individual causality and collective causation influence each other. Every clique is made up of individuals. Large groups are made up of multiple people. A country is composed of countless large and small groups. From being the head of a family to being the head of state, all are the ultimate manifestation of collective will. Regardless of whether it is elected by the people or not, it represents the overall will and destiny of the individual and the collective.

Third Density Course Syllabus and Introduction

The third-Density syllabus mainly refers to the syllabus of at least One Experience Cycle. You can understand it as the whole curriculum of the third-Density entity, which includes the above-mentioned new and old lessons. If an entity (soul) has not completed the syllabus at the end of the first (25,000 Years) Experience Cycle, that is, this entity has not yet graduated, it needs to complete it in the second Experience Cycle; in case, it still hasn’t finished, this entity must complete it within the third cycle of experience; if not, the entity will be transferred to another third-Density planet to continue his studies. Because, at that time, the earth will be transformed into the planet of the fourth Density or the fifth universe. All life will be harvested regardless of One’s consciousness progress. Learn more… >

We are all multidimensional beings having human experiences, and we are part of the Infinite Creator. The true “Self” is not just a physical body, but a mind/body/Spirit Complex; it is the real “Self” who voluntarily chooses to become human for the sake of self-improvement or to help others raise their consciousness. Precisely because we are part of the Creator, like the Creator we are, throughout creation our souls are curious, we want to experience reality from as many perspectives as possible. Just imagine a classic town village and all the people in it: farmers, blacksmiths, mayors, maids, waiters, gangsters, murderers, whores, policemen…etc. Each has a unique perspective and experience. In order for a soul to experience reality from all these different perspectives, it may take many incarnations and thus many, many bodies. This is why when we decide to embody any reality, we will not be limited to the experience of a lifetime, a generation, or even a century. We become the age! We may take hundreds of physical lifetimes, each of which can last about 70 years, but our spiritual or “sacred lifetimes (experience cycles)” on this planet can last thousands of years.

The purpose of choosing to experience life on Earth from as many angles as possible is to learn and balance the unbalanced state at the soul level through various experiences. For example, in a previous life, you were a murderer. It is possible for you to choose and experience a murdered person in this Incarnation, and in doing so, you will experience the pain of being murdered. For your parents, it may not just be a white-headed person sending a black-headed person; your wife may have to marry someone else due to her financial issue or other reasons; your children and your parents may lose their support and suffer for life…

In the teachings of some religions, “paying karmic debts” is a misinterpretation of the mechanism of balancing karma. In the true spiritual world, no soul is forced to sign any “Soul Contract” or “pre-birth plan” that violates the “law of free will”; let alone being forced to pay a karmic debt. The Law of Free Will is the first Distortion created by the Creator. This is the cosmic principle that the author has learned from his study and meditation, and has been repeatedly confirmed by his spirit guides, Angels, and Archangels. The author will also answer questions from the audience in the series of interviews with the “Sage of Ancient and Modern“. Learn more… >

In order to facilitate the readers to understand the “syllabus” of the third Density, it is necessary for the author to repeat the following procedure of soul evolution. Each soul age contains seven levels of development which must be experienced and learned before advancing to the next soul age. Each level takes on average at least three lifetimes to complete, sometimes more, sometimes less. For example, a baby soul would start at the first level of the baby soul stage and then work its way up to the seventh level of the old soul. In short, there are a total of seven classes (infant, child, adolescent, youth, middle age, adult, and old age) of experience and learning that the soul must complete before leaving the earth. Each soul age needs at least three to seven reincarnations to improve; assuming that the average life expectancy of a person is about fifty years old (calculated and based on the third human Experience Cycle*); if we all take the middle value, the soul is on the earth It takes about 1,750 years (7 x 5 x 50 = 1,750) to experience and learn.。

With the above concepts in mind, we can come back to the third-Density syllabus. The syllabus is mainly developed around the theme of “Social Relations” or “social interaction”. Because each of our souls must learn and balance the imbalance on the soul level through various experiences. Therefore, we will naturally generate “Karma” or “Cause and Effect”, that is, the relevant courses will be randomly generated according to the karma balance mechanism. You can describe/understand karma or karma as inertia in physics. The purpose of inertia is the mechanism for balancing our destiny. If there is no will or action to brake or stop it, it will continue to run incessantly. You can also understand the “mechanism of balancing our destiny” as an “APP” embedded in our spiritual DNA, which will show your (soul level) current state of balance. To be honest, if we understand the “mechanism to balance our destiny” as an “APP” embedded in our spiritual DNA, it is indeed not the most appropriate metaphor. Because the simplest pocket computer device in the fourth Density is infinitely more sophisticated than the most sophisticated, complex, and precise of the quantum computer system created by our human beings, let alone the “Law of Karma” and other implementing laws such as the “Karmic Balance Mechanism”. They are all designed by the Creator for the evolution of the Universe.

When an entity is in a state of energetic or karmic imbalance, related issues of balance arise naturally. Take the murderer and the murdered victim mentioned above as an example. Although, the murderer’s soul does not have to choose to be the murderer on its next journey. But in most cases, the entity on the spiritual level will voluntarily choose to accept being a victim to experience and learn and balance the imbalance on the soul level. However, when we reincarnate as human beings, most of us will suffer from “Spiritual Amnesia“, which is the effect of the “veil of forgetting“. This is another subject in the third-Density syllabus and will not be repeated here. Learn more… >

In short, when a soul chooses to hurt another soul, it automatically chooses to be hurt in exchange for balance. The decision was of course made on a spiritual level. This is the true meaning of karma.

Karma Balance Mechanism

A mind/body/Spirit Complex in the third cycle of experience, although its lifespan is only about 60-80 years on average, because, you participate in the relevant “social relations” or “social interactions” in the physical society after you are born, you must go through such as growth, education, work, social interaction, marriage, finance, health, illness, and death…etc. At One level, even every social interaction will generate the so-called “Karma” or “Cause and Effect”, and the corresponding “mechanism to balance our destiny” will automatically start until we have the will or action to brake or stop it. Otherwise, it continues to run on and on…. The collection of everything is automatically recorded and entered into the “Karma Balance Mechanism”. The “Karma Balance Mechanism” is like an interconnected network of the universe, connecting the consciousness of every entity in the universe. It is also a real-time “karmic balance mechanism” curriculum. For each of our mind/body/spirit complexes, our every thought, every word, and every action is uploaded and downloaded instantly. Every course schedule that must be experienced and learned will also be updated in real-time.

Human cloud computing has only just begun, and it has rapidly developed to the collection and analysis of personal data in all aspects… in every detail, and pervasive. Just imagine how cloud computing will develop billions of years from now. However, it still pales in comparison to the Akashic records created by the Infinite Creator for the universe. Therefore, no matter how complex the mechanisms for balancing our destiny, individual and collective “karmic homework” arrangements are exactly in place.。

Basic Concepts of Catalysts

Another automated “application” closely related to the “Balance Karma Mechanism” is the “Catalyst”. Catalysts usually come in the form of “sickness and pain”. There are many kinds of catalysts, such as big and small events/events encountered in life, such as birth, old age, illness, death, birth separation, farewell, natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc. From birth, enrollment, graduation, promotion, marriage, childbirth, old age, death, etc., various stages and various experiences. They include but are not limited to the following:

  1. DISEASES include but are not limited to cancer, tumor, chronic disease, spirit possession, mental illness, self-mutilation/suicidal tendencies, disability, disability, deafness, dumbness, blindness… and other diseases.
  2. PAIN includes but is not limited to the pain caused by parting from life and death, the separation of wives and children, poverty… any of the above or the combination thereof, etc.;
  3. NATURAL & MAN-MADE DISASTERS include but are not limited to also belong to the category of pain, that is, they are a catalyst. Suffering can cause disease or its sequelae; in turn, disease or its sequelae can cause more or greater pain:

NATURAL DISASTERS include earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, droughts, floods, plagues, epidemics or large-scale infectious diseases… etc., are natural disasters.

MAN-MADE DISASTERS include manufacture and use of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, chemical or biological weapons or weapons of mass destruction, conventional or unconventional warfare, aggression, murder, rape, slavery, bullying, control, obscenity, stealing, blackmail, abduction, deception… .. etc., for man-made (whether collective or individual) scourge.

Catalyst is One of the “applications” of the above “Balanced Karma Mechanism”. Learn more

Linear-Mind Education vs 360-D Spiritual Experience

Here, the author feels that it is necessary to spend a little more time explaining and comparing the difference between “Linear-Mind Education” and “360-D Spiritual Experience”.

Linear-Mind Education and Experience

Linear-Mind Education (Third Density) education refers to the education system our society is currently pursuing. As far as moral education (including private morality and public morality) is concerned, we are nothing more than educating and promoting the core moral concepts of human beings through or relying on family, school, society, and religion, such as respect for life, fairness, honesty, trustworthiness, etc. However, no amount of means, media, or stories can change a fact. It means that the educated can only learn and appreciate this education from their own perspective forever.

Furthermore, people in the world still hold different views on “moral standards (also known as “standards of good and evil” – the yardstick for judging and evaluating people’s behavior, good and evil, honor and disgrace)”. In the history of ethics, there are various opinions: some regard “Loyalty” as the criterion for judging the good and evil of behavior such as Confucius, Dong Zhongshu, etc.; some regard “knowledge and ideas” as the criterion for judging the good and evil of behavior like Socrates, Plato; some take “God’s will” as the criterion for judging good and evil like Augustine; some take “happiness or pain” as the criterion for judging good and evil like Epicurus, Spinoza, etc.; some take ” Good and bad” as the criteria for evaluating good and evil such as utilitarians. The above statements all contain certain reasonable content, but none of them give the most reasonable explanation for the moral standard.

In any case, any One or more of the above education methods belong to the experience and learning method of a single Dimension, single vision, and linear thinking, that is, to observe, experience, and learn from One’s own perspective. The author calls this: Linear-Mind Education and experience which is also known two-dimensional perspective.

Multi-dimensional View and Experience

Multi-dimensional View and Experience means that in addition to observing, experiencing, and learning from the perspective of the material world, you can also observe from the perspective of the soul, including the perspective of others. For example (still, take the above description as an example): the identity of the victim and the family members of the victim, such as parents, spouse, and children, etc., directly or indirectly observe, experience, and learn through visual and sensory experience. To become an example of the above-mentioned classical town and its farmers, blacksmiths, mayors, maids, waiters, gangsters, murderers, prostitutes, policemen, etc., is to learn through Multi-dimensional View and Experience. These studies are mainly based on experience and feelings; supplemented by thinking. Through Reincarnation, death, Reincarnation, re-death, etc., through different dimensions (on the level of body and soul), hundreds or even thousands of repeated experiences, feelings, retrospect, examination, and thinking about One’s own life (from the level of spirit), the soul can also fully appreciate any pain or pleasure feelings of others). Every different experience and thinking is a process of raising consciousness, and these processes will be recorded and remembered in our spiritual DNA. At the same time, it will also be included in the personal “karma balance mechanism”. The author calls this method a “multi-dimensional full visual experience”, or “God’s vision” “上帝的视觉“。了解更多……>

These experiences and processes of raising consciousness will be recorded in our spiritual DNA; they will be included in the personal “karma balance mechanism 业力平衡机制“; they will also be recorded in what is commonly known as the “Akashic Record 阿卡西记录” In the universe archives. Each of us can refer to these “Akashic Records” through methods such as meditation or our own guides. 了解更多……>

The Experience of Birth, Death, Regression, and Rehabilitation

Birth or delivery – its mode is basically the same for everyone: either natural birth or cesarean section; however, the manner or mode of death is very different. Although the method of death is legally divided into the following five types, such as natural death, accidental death, homicide, suicide, and unexplained death. But the methods of murder and suicide alone are numerous. From a metaphysical understanding, all “deaths” are part of the Soul Contract, and accidents do not exist. No matter how many ways there are to “die”; no matter how many Exit Points the soul has.

Death – When a person normally “dies”, the mind/Spirit Complex, commonly known as the “soul”, demanifests the yellow-ray body and leaves the dead body, immediately resting in ether or indigo-ray, the form-maker. Most souls who experience an unnatural “death” remain in a place known as the “bardo”. The “time” of staying in the “bardo” is completely determined by the current state of One’s soul consciousness – this is also an automatic setting of the “karma balance mechanism”. After some souls leave the body, they immediately pass through the “bardo” and are greeted by relatives, friends, and even former pets. Soon they will be back in their Realm or Time/Space.

Some souls remain in the “bardo” for long periods of time, even centuries of human time. Most of these souls are very Stubborn and have not yet learned “forgive”, “Let Go” and seek help from others. Don’t worry, time doesn’t exist in the spiritual world. The soul will One day realize its mysteries. Learn One of them, and the soul will pass through the “bardo” and immediately return to where it should go. Free Will plays an important role here. Learn more…>

Bardo – In terms of vibrational frequency, most souls who experience an abnormal “death” remain in a place known as the “bardo” which is also known as Limbo. It is a misunderstanding that some people interpret as a place of hell. As far as the Vibration Frequency is concerned, the “bardo” is indeed in a low place. You can understand the lowest, darkest part as the place of “hell”. The truth is that a person’s behavior and thinking in life are full of eerie self-consciousness, and the soul will be attracted to the place where its energy matches. It can be said that “Like attracts like” – this is the law of attraction in the universe. Infinite imagination creates an infinite real reality. This is how Heaven and Hell were created. In our common universe, there is only the unimaginable, not the uncreated. Please refer to my other two essays “极性与生命” 和 “多维时空”。Learn more…>

Life Review of a Soul means that when the soul returns to the spiritual realm from the Earth plane, the “karma balance mechanism” will automatically arrange the soul’s “Life Review” which is also known as Regression Therapy – it is as if you are sitting in a three-dimensional movie theater with a 360-degree view, and your previous life experiences will be displayed pixel by pixel, One scene by another unfolding before you and inside of you. What you have done in the past will be clear at a glance. You will be ecstatic about what you are proud of; you will be extremely ashamed of your inappropriate behavior, you will cry for sad or touching things, and you will be resentful for your own or others’ grievances. In conclusion, when you look back on your life on a spiritual level, you are not only seeing things with your own vision; you are also seeing and empathizing with God’s vision, omniscient.

No matter who you were in life, as a soul, during the time of “Life Review”, you will be emotionally able to fully engage with the energy of everyone and everything associated with it. In other words, you feel the pain of others. Even if a person is vicious and full of evil in life, he is no different from other souls on the spiritual level, and everyone is equal, whether it is an animal or a plant. No One being is higher or lower than another. No matter what we have done in life, no matter what the cause of death is, the soul is not judged, there is no judgment. For, God never judges.

What you will encounter will be love and light. Unless your heart is full of fear and darkness. Soul’s “Life Review” and related “healing” are necessary after death. All we need to do is open our arms and welcome the “soul’s Cleansing”.

Rehabilitation – also understood as Healing, rehabilitation or healing is to choose rehabilitation items according to the needs of the soul, and to do corresponding healing for different traumas. Our physical traumas during life, such as car accidents, suicides, and being killed or disabled… etc. physically damage will no longer become a problem in the soul. And mental wounds, if they are not properly healed, will not go away by themselves. There are various ways and types of recovery and healing. If there is a chance, the author will discuss this further in the relevant chapters. I won’t repeat them here.

Learning & Training – are other arrangements that every entity must go through before deciding to reincarnate or remain in the spirit world to continue experiencing and learning. Do some multiple-choice tests with your own guides or mentors and put them together with the problems found (the author calls this “unfinished homework”) during the Life Review, and then compare the “Soul Contract” with the “standard answer” in the “law of karma”, it is not difficult for the entity to imagine the result of its own fate such as to reincarnate or remain in Heaven. Whether leaving or staying, the entity will choose some spare subjects to study. Take my new guide, Archangel Erik as an example. After his Life Review and Rehab, he chose to stay in heaven. For this reason, he has never stopped studying; at the same time, he started his career as a “spirit guide”…

The author is particularly impressed by the advanced courses he described, such as communication skills, moving objects, avatar skills…etc. they are all amazing! The author will also invite him to talk about it in person on the talk show, so I won’t repeat it here.

Using “he” to describe ERIK is just a habit, mainly because he was a male during his lifetime. The guides in the spirit world are genderless. It is important to note from ERIK’s experience that trials do not exist at all. Not only that, ERIK has been promoted to Archangel on September 21, 2021. This is what the author knows, except for the Archangel Metatron, he is One of the few if not the second, who once incarnated on the earth and finally became One of the Archangels. Learn more… >

Experiences of Birth, Death, Life Review, and Rehabilitation are also part of the above “Multi-dimensional View and Experience”. There is no doubt that experiencing a “Multi-dimensional View and Experience” or observing and experiencing things from “God’s Vision” will be more dimensional, and deeper, and Experience and learn more comprehensively. This is the point of “multi-dimensional full visual experience”.

Purpose of Incarnation and Soul Contract

Everyone’s purpose for survival is different, therefore, the goals pursued by different people are naturally very different. Furthermore, people change what they pursue as their self-awareness changes. But no matter what our goals are, the pursuit of a sense of success may be a consensus that everyone accepts.

As mentioned above, in our material world today, the criteria for measuring One’s success or excellence seem to be evolving into a reality: fame, social status, and money – becoming a widely accepted standard, as if becoming a People success or excellence label.

Relatively speaking, evolution is the only goal that every entity pursues in the spirit world. An entity’s evolution (high or low) is measured by how far its consciousness has evolved. It can be discerned from the color spectrum of a physical crown wheel and its vibrational frequency. The color spectrum and Vibration Frequency of the crown wheel are the standards to measure the evolution of an entity. Love is the highest and purest Vibration Frequency and energy in the universe.

The purpose of Reincarnation mainly refers to the purpose of the soul’s Reincarnation. Because the purpose of each Reincarnation of each soul is different, no matter whether he is a repeat student, a normal, or advanced student, or a Lightworker (short for Wanderer or star-seed), but they have the same thing in common, which is to improve their own Spirituality, the level of consciousness. Learn more… >

Because, the purpose of each Incarnation of the soul is different. Therefore, every Incarnation at least learns and experiences the same or more lessons. Then, each of our souls will balance our own consciousness and energy through retrospective, rehabilitation, and further study; and we will evaluate whether we need Reincarnation or not according to our previous experience, past life experience, and current progress of consciousness. down. Entities who choose to stay will continue to take tutoring, further education and study; at the same time, they will also find a job that suits them best according to their interests. For example, become a “Spirit Guide” – this is One of the most sought-after jobs. My new guide, ERIK, chose to become a Master Angel; there are also some entities who are particularly high in consciousness or in a certain field, and they would like to choose to be a teacher. For example, among the well-known sages and scientists are Sakyamuni, Laozi, Confucius, Einstein, Tesla, etc.; as for Jesus Christ, who is loved by the world, he chose to continue Reincarnation. He chose to incarnate in India in this lifetime as a female “Lightworker”. The examples are numerous. If there is a chance, the author will interview these “sages of ancient and modern times” in our Interview Program, and let them directly answer the questions that readers and viewers care about.

Give three representative examples to illustrate the relationship between “the purpose of Reincarnation and the Soul Contract”. The first example is about a new soul; the second is about an old soul; the third is about a Wanderer.

Infant Soul

Baby souls, not human newborn babies, but entities that have just graduated from second Density, that have just incarnated as humans (soul level). For a new infant spirit, he has not studied all the courses in the “third-Density syllabus”. Naturally, his courses have to start from the beginning, from simple to deep, step by step. In other words, it is very likely that he started the exploration process from the South Pole to the North Pole, that is, he first started by experiencing fear, or “wicked people”. The “law of the jungle” is the law he is most familiar with, such as choosing to be “selfish”, has a very “ego” personality, and it is most natural for a character who does not hesitate to hurt others for the sake of self-beneficiary; then, slowly to experience the long process from fear to love, to raise One’s own consciousness little by little in level. Finally, to be, let’s say, a great “good guy” or even a “Lightworker” to complete its full course in third Density.

Imagine an entity (spiritual level) who has just graduated from the “law of the jungle” of the second Density-the winner takes king and has just advanced to a person with a soul, and his level of spiritual consciousness is still at a low level, even if he chooses to have a body with excellent biological DNA, a handsome appearance and an absolutely intelligent brain, it does not mean that he has noble sentiments. On the contrary, his consciousness of the lower three chakras is abnormally distorted or even blocked, which reflects that there are many dark sides to his spiritual and moral concepts. In other words, he still has a lot of homework waiting for him to experience and learn spiritually. Because he is still an infant in spiritual age, therefore, his homework must start from the beginning. Taking each cycle of experience of the soul in the third Density as an example, understand the seven stages of spiritual learning, namely: infant, child, adolescent, youth, middle age, adulthood, and old age (such as a person’s life). In this way, such repeated experience and learning (Reincarnation) will take hundreds of years at least; even thousands of years at most.

Therefore, it is not difficult for us to understand that there are many so-called “beasts in clothes” in this world. The author must emphasize again and again that when looking at things from the perspective of the universe, there is no distinction between positive and negative poles. They are all part of the creation of the Creator, such as heaven and earth, north and south, up and down, left and right, black and white, size, yin and yang, male and female, etc. All existence is reasonable. As long as it exists, it is part of the One. Even if the world thinks it is wrong, ugly, unreasonable, and should not be. Positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong, right and wrong, etc. are all concepts formed through secular education. Just imagine, how can we understand light without darkness; how can we know the taste of sweetness or the feeling of happiness without having tasted bitterness or experienced suffering? Ordinary ascetics and believers are prone to fall into the trap of judgment, discrimination, and even criticism. I always feel that I am better than others, even superior to others. But God never judges. Once judgment or discrimination occurs, it is easy to lack tolerance and understanding. Racial discrimination, religious exclusion, human disputes, and even wars start from a lack of tolerance and understanding. Therefore, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, and love are exactly what we human beings must learn. Learn more… >

Old Soul

An old soul is an entity that is the last of the seven stages of spiritual learning. Souls at this stage have completed most of their studies. They will have more space to choose some characters that they have not yet experienced, but they think must be experienced; in addition, they can also choose similar subjects that have already been experienced but are more challenging, especially some that must pass the family group’s collective karma before taking the further challenge of the bigger “Collective Karma” balance project.

Take a classmate of mine as an example. She chose a challenging “project” – to welcome a pair of disabled children into her family. Such a combination is not chosen individually by parents or children but is a joint choice. You can imagine how difficult it is for both parents and children to raise and grow up. Not ordinary people can handle it. The average person would surely consider this an “unlucky” family. In fact, they are a family of old souls. At least, they are a combination of middle-soul-aged soul consciousness. Not something families at the teen soul level or below can handle. For example, how do students who have not yet learned “addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division” cope with the study of calculus?!

In addition to family interactions, parents and children also have to deal with challenges such as school and social interactions, especially because of the countless challenges that come with being born with disabilities. Everyone in the family experiences and learns how to forgive, appreciate, love, and understand family members and others. The level of difficulty of the challenge tends to be symmetrical with the advancement of spirituality. It goes without saying that the more challenging life is, the more it shows where spirituality is, and if it can stand the test. As far as the author knows, most of the souls who choose to reincarnate as birth defects are souls with relatively high spiritual levels, so-called “old souls”. Heartfelt respect for her and all of her family members.


Wanderers primarily refer to entities that have incarnated on Earth from other planets. It is also called cosmic Wanderer or Starseed, etc., collectively referred to as “light workers”. The purpose of their Reincarnation is mainly to help human beings raise their collective consciousness. RA revealed that there are about 65 million cosmic wanderers distributed in every corner of the earth, and with the arrival of the “Density Transition” period of the earth, the number of cosmic wanderers will continue to increase. Learn more…>

Shakyamuni Buddha, also known as Gautama, Siddhattha Gotama, was One such cosmic Wanderer. According to his own self-report, before becoming Shakyamuni, he became an angelic little girl until he was eight or nine years old. The purpose of her Incarnation is to learn not to think about The Source of knowledge in that life, but to train herself to turn it into a conduit for receiving knowledge and connecting to The Source of knowledge. Her whole life of study is to pave the way for her Reincarnation as Sakyamuni Buddha in her next life.

The contribution of Shakyamuni Buddha to mankind in his life does not need to be burdened by the author here. After his Nirvana, he still continues to teach in the spiritual world and believes that Buddhism fits within every religion. The Buddha recently reminded the world: “Meditation is not to make the mind shut down or become inactive. This is a wrong method that has been taught for centuries. The purpose of meditation is to make the mind recognize human judgment. When the mind can recognize When it is, it will start to pull it away from everyday experience, which will make happiness come from within.” This is a conversation that the author was fortunate to hear. Learn more… >

Although this article is long, the author finally finished it in One go. The so-called “in One go” does not refer to time but inspiration. I couldn’t wait to share this article with my friends before I had time to deliberate and modify it. The friend is the confidant of the author for decades. He has extensive research and high attainments in law, philosophy, Metaphysics, and poetry. After reading it, he immediately gave some feedback on his views and different opinions on “Veil of Forgetting”. Both of us also had an in-depth discussion on the part I answered. The conclusion may make most people, including readers, feel helpless. It is: So far, we human beings are still not enough to understand the “Veil” designed by the Infinite Creator for the third-Density earth and the meaning of its existence with our current science, jurisprudence and even the logic of philosophy. How can One understand the “Soul Contract” and the “Law of Karma” without understanding the Veil of Forgetting? It seems that the only way to unveil it is to step out of the three-dimensional box, such as through metaphysical or meditation methods. Because, the wisdom gained through meditation, in a sense, goes beyond intellectual knowledge. Finding the truth through meditation is a method that members of the Confederation of Planets have always emphasized. Learn more… >

I don’t know readers who have read so far, what do you think of this issue? Your feedback is the motivation for me to share. The following are the questions raised by my dear friends, their feelings, and my reply:

Q & A:

Question: The cause of the previous life is more or less the result of the present life. However, with the Veil, I am unable to realize what I did wrong in my past life and how it affects me in this life. If I understand the “cause”, I will be able to experience the “effect” better and learn from it. If you don’t know the reason, how can you understand the misfortune of this life, and how can you correct it?

Answer: Karma is like a report card, only the unfinished part needs to be “re-read”. The existence of the veil is like a “closed-book exam”, the purpose of which is to allow a person to make a choice he thinks is “appropriate” for everything he encounters in his life without “knowing it”. Right and wrong, good and beauty, evil and ugliness are people’s habitual thinking, and God never judges. On a soul level, experience is the only thing we need to do. When we return to the spiritual realm, we are the only “judge” for self-judgment.

Question: If I lived in Syria or Afghanistan, my whole family didn’t fight or start a war, and my whole family died in the bombs of that war. With the “Veil” in place, how do I rationalize it in relation to what I did in a previous life? How to improve your moral quality? My only thought is that the war is unfair to me and my family (the potential risk lies in the retaliation once chosen… when will the karmic cycle of retribution end?).

Answer: Birthplace is a choice you made before Incarnation, and death is part of the “Soul Contract”. Suffering is a “catalyst”, which not only creates more opportunities for people to “serve others”, but also provides more motivation for spiritual growth. The growth of the soul does not depend on One lifetime of people, but innumerable times of the above-mentioned “Multi-dimensional View and Experience” such as “birth, death, Life Review, and rehabilitation”, only through that we can better understand, and improve our true selves.

Question: The veil of forgetting can be a little problem that confuses us. There are other, deeper, everyday phenomena that exist, even for Einstein. Dr. Stevenson has more than 1,000 cases of past life memories. Our logical conclusion is that this possibility is likely to exist. Ann Frank is a very impressive example. We don’t understand why there are exceptions to the rule, but they exist. The veil may be unveiled for many years before the memory fades. We don’t know why this happened, but it happened. The genius Einstein discovered many properties of light, but could not explain everything. He tried in vain to find a general theory of light. He knew little about quantum mechanics, matter and antimatter, black holes, the Higgins boson, and subatomic particles. In the decades after him, Stephen Hawking learned more about these things but still failed to find a unified theory of everything. He said he could do it, but he died.

All these eminent scientists failed to find out the nature of light and matter and did not agree with these ideas. But none of them asked the bigger question: Why is there light? Where did it come from? The Big Bang is a theoretical answer. I think it’s more of a question itself! why there? When all these greats fail, I don’t think to know. They applied their logic and failed, and when I applied mine, I should have failed too. The answer may not be logical to a human, and applying logic to try to understand the question is the wrong approach. When the journey is in the wrong direction, we will never get there. After all, the question of why there is a universe is much bigger than the question of the “Veil” itself. Just passing through some of my thoughts.

Answer: That’s a good question. Light is the building block, the third Distortion of God’s creation. Everything in the entire creation consists only of light – this is the basic building block that all materials are created from.

The advancement of science and technology should be carried out simultaneously with human consciousness. Otherwise, catastrophes like Atlantis, Mu, Mars, Maldek, etc. will repeat themselves. Another argument, of course, is that nothing should violate the law of free will. My understanding is that due to our collective karma, our veil of mystery becomes thicker. So it’s harder for us humans as a collective to unravel it. Do you remember how our souls came from those planets? Learn more… >

According to RA and ERIK, God created the universe for his curiosity, to experience himself from all levels and different perspectives. Learn more… >

There are numerous cases where all attempts and efforts to lift the veil based on utilitarian approaches have failed (even with the use of national resources, the use of Psychic Uri Geller and Ingo Swann by the CIA and FBI is One of the countless cases), and we, as third-Density human beings, are only allowed to see a part of it, but can never see the whole picture of the Universe, regardless who you are. Only a few sages such as Buddha, Laozi, and Christ… are exceptions.

The so-called exceptions among the existing rules are actually the careful design of the Infinite Creator in the karma balance mechanism, choosing specific advanced spirits to incarnate and educate the world; another example is to let the civilization of RA build pyramids… these “mysteries” or those “Unsolved Mysteries” are part of the Veil; the desire to seek the truth and how to find it is the most important step we need to take in unraveling the Veil of Forgetting.


In the words of HATONN, a member of the Confederation of Plants: “…human beings are hypnotized by false fantasies of their own making…People sleep so deeply that they cannot wake up…Everyone has his own grand plan, but None of these grand plans have anything to do with the Creator’s plan.” In fact, the most difficult part of unveiling the veil is how to change the habitual thinking mode of ordinary people. The author hopes to help readers understand the importance of “Perception” in consciousness through this article. Awakening is impossible without Perception; let alone Enlightenment. Learn more… >

The Confederation of Plants warns us that nothing matters but seeking. Nothing matters except the Creator. You just have to look within, turn to the light, and enter the light. All spiritual teachers point out One thing in common: meditation is One of the best tools for raising awareness and gaining wisdom. Seek, and you will find!

The author borrows the words of gold and stone from Mr. Laozi as the concluding remarks of this article:

He who knows has no deep learning,
He who has deep learning does not know.

…Pursue knowledge, and you will become increasingly conceited.
Pursue Tao, and you will become increasingly humble.

With Love and light
A humble messenger of the Infinite Creator