Metasophy, a term coined by MiLOVE, represents a transcendental form of wisdom that delves into realities beyond conventional understanding. Guided by teachings from enlightened beings and spiritual entities, it offers insights believed to be closer to ultimate truths with minimal Distortion.

MiLOVE’s original intention was simply to share his insights and knowledge online. However, after completing his meticulously crafted articles and blog posts, and while preparing to establish the “ERIK ACADEMY” and getting ready for his TALKS on Metaphysicshe discovered that these writings had gradually formed a comprehensive theory capable of deciphering the “Multiverses, Lifeforms, Life Purposeand Soul Journey”. This Metasophical Theory is also called Metasophism.


Metasophy is a knowledge or philosophy that has existed for a long time and can explain everything that exists in the universe. In essence, Metasophy defies traditional wisdom, combining “meta-” (beyond or transcending) with “-sophy” (wisdom or knowledge). Here’s what this concept entails:

1. Transcending Conventional Wisdom: Metasophy goes beyond standard notions of wisdom and knowledge, exploring perspectives beyond common understanding.

2. In-Depth Exploration: It involves a profound investigation, often into esoteric, spiritual, or metaphysical concepts.

3. Integrating Teachings from Various Realities: Metasophy draws wisdom from sources beyond our everyday reality, including enlightened individuals, extraterrestrial beings, or spiritual entities.

4. Minimizing Distortion and Seeking Truth: Metasophy’s teachings are believed to contain fewer distortions and to be closer to ultimate truths, offering a clearer understanding of reality with reduced human biases.

5. Guided by Enlightened and Spiritual Sources: Metasophy is associated with guidance from enlightened individuals and spiritual entities known for their deeper understanding of reality.

In sum, Metasophy is an innovative philosophical framework that breaks free from the traditional confines of disciplines like philosophy, theology, Metaphysics, and science. It embodies a knowledge form that transcends conventional wisdom, offering heightened perception, deeper understanding, and profound insights. Metasophy integrates teachings from enlightened beings and entities across different metaverses, with the goal of exploring truth’s consistency while minimizing Distortion.

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