Whenever the topic of angels and demons arises, it naturally evokes associations with heaven and hell. Occasionally, it sparks imaginative thoughts and speculations. Throughout human history, descriptions of angels and demons have been prevalent in religion, mysticism, literature, novels, myths, and folklore, as well as in various media such as comics, video games, movies, anime, and TV shows. Demons are often depicted as supernatural entities, resembling humans or sometimes taking on beastly forms, radiating terrifying red, black, or blue lights, with eyes that spew fire. They are commonly associated with evil. On the other hand, angels are seen as heavenly messengers and advocates on Earth. They can take human-like forms, radiate light, have halos above their heads, and some even possess wings. They embody goodness.

But do angels and demons truly exist in the universe? Is there a heaven or hell? If so, where are they located, and what is the reason for their existence? The author believes that in the infinite multiverse, there is nothing that cannot exist, beyond our wildest imagination. The following content shared by the author may challenge the conventional understanding of many individuals.

Defining Angels and Demons

Before delving into the topic, let’s understand the definitions of angels and demons. While people may have different perspectives on angels and demons, for the most part, they are understood as beings representing good and evil, respectively, with little disagreement. So why do good and evil exist? Especially the concept of “evil” has perplexed countless individuals throughout history.

Some argue that human nature is inherently good, while others claim it is evil. The perception of good and evil is subjective, influenced by environmental factors. Both perspectives have elements of truth but also contain flaws, depending on the angle of interpretation. An ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi said, “When everyone recognizes beauty as beautiful, this in itself is ugliness. When everyone recognizes good as good, this in itself is evil.” In essence, goodness and evil are interdependent and inseparable. Without One, the other would cease to exist. To eliminate evil completely, One would also have to destroy goodness.

Perhaps some individuals have grasped the essence of Laozi’s teachings, while others may find it more perplexing. For now, let’s set aside theoretical discussions and explore the concept of good and evil, as well as their origins, through an example:

Let’s compare the behavior of people to climbing a ladder, representing acts of “good” and “evil.” When a group of people climbs a ladder, some choose to help One another so that everyone can ascend smoothly. For instance, those who reach the top of the ladder may lend a hand to those below them, and those below reciprocate their kindness. However, there are also individuals who disregard the feelings of others and strive to climb to the top, either by pulling down or squeezing past those in their way, aiming to be faster than others. The people above them respond in kind, refusing to yield. Readers, what do you think? Based on this example, do you believe there are more people who choose “good” actions or those who engage in “evil” actions?

But what if climbing the ladder is not merely for entertainment but a competition? The author believes that in a competitive scenario, individuals engaging in “evil” actions may constitute a larger proportion. People tend to perceive those who embody extreme evil, such as those who harm others, as demons, and those with great compassion as angelic.

The ladder-climbing analogy mentioned above represents a linear concept. Now, if we repeat the same scenario using a multidimensional perspective of the universe and spacetime, what would happen?

Let’s compare the ladder to polarity, with the top representing the North Pole, symbolizing the seventh Density, and the bottom representing the South Pole, symbolizing the beginning of the first Density. People climbing the ladder signify the process of consciousness elevation. Those who have ascended to the middle or higher levels of consciousness will undoubtedly lend a helping hand to those below. However, the individuals at the bottom of the ladder are different. They strive to climb upwards, often at the expense of others. They either pull others down or squeeze past them to ensure their own progress is faster than others’…

More agile-minded readers may immediately raise the question, “Wait, choosing entities with a negative polarity can also evolve to higher densities.” Bingo! That’s exactly what the author wants to convey. At this point, we can no longer use the ladder analogy mentioned earlier to describe the ascent of consciousness with a negative polarity – unless… I’ll keep you in suspense for a moment and give you two minutes to imagine the most appropriate way to express it…

Some religious theories suggest that individuals engaging in demonic behavior will inevitably descend into the realms of hell. I’m not saying that those who choose “animalistic” behavior won’t reincarnate into the “animal” realm. I simply emphasize the use of a more “scientific” approach to indicate that entities that serve the self, often referred to as “demons,” can also evolve to higher densities instead of “devolving” to the second Density.

Returning to the topic of expressing the “South Pole consciousness” of the consciousness ladder… Readers, try to imagine a two-dimensional representation of the number “ten” and place the words “up, down, left, right” in suitable positions. The result would be that the word “up” is positioned at the North Pole, “down” at the South Pole, “left” at the negative pole, and “right” at the positive pole.

Now, imagine the ladder mentioned earlier… This time, open it horizontally, splitting it into two symmetrical halves. You can then visualize that individuals choosing to climb the ladder with a negative polarity consciousness gather on the left side and ascend, while those choosing a positive polarity consciousness climb the ladder on the right side.

Not only do individuals choosing to climb the ladder with a negative polarity consciousness compete fiercely in the third Density, but even ordinary people may behave this way. After all, the material world is a highly competitive society. The example of climbing the ladder mentioned earlier reflects a microcosm of our social phenomena.

Entities capable of evolving to the negative fourth Density (fourth universal Dimension) not only possess the characteristic of not yielding to others, as mentioned earlier but also carry all the negative consciousness traits from the first, second, and third densities. These traits include the ego and its derivatives such as hierarchies, the desire for control, possessiveness, and so on. The author will continue to delve into and analyze these traits in the following sections, without reiterating them here.

Having read this far, the author would like to ask readers whether they believegood” and “evilare distinctions in thinking or differences in consciousness. Because after pondering this question, reading the following sections will become even more interesting.

The Truth About Good and Evil

In creation, there are only two polar consciousnesses: happiness and pain. Love is the emotion that follows happiness. Fear is the emotion that closely follows pain. Therefore, you can also understand these two polar consciousnesses as love and fear. Taking humanity as an example, these two feelings are associated with the aspects of creation attributed to masculinity and femininity.

The “Heart Chakra” desires to be loved by others, while the “Self Chakra” aims to make others fear it. This is the most magical creative power of polarity.

In Metaphysics, polarity is divided such that femininity represents positive polarity, while masculinity represents negative polarity. An angel is someone centered around the heart, nurtured, healed, and attracting others. They enjoy being a source of beauty and happiness, seeking love and affection. Physiologically, femininity embodies the heart. This is why women have breasts. The heart chakra is located in the chest; larger breasts symbolize a larger heart. Feminine qualities are inherently connected to beauty and love. The design of the female body is creative, capable of reproduction, nurturing, and enhancing life. Generally, women excel in romance, benevolence, bringing and elevating life – inclined towards “serving others.”

A demon is an individual centered around the self, desiring power and status over others. They lower others’ states to induce fear and submission, thus raising their own status using pain. When you close the heart chakra and fully concentrate your consciousness on the self, you become a demon. Physiologically, masculinity represents the self. This is partly why male reproductive organs are larger. The self chakra is located in the genital area; larger genitals symbolize a larger “self (consciousness).” It’s due to this reason that the male body is designed with strength, physique, and power. Generally, men excel in war, destruction, aggression, and domination – inclined towards “serving the self.”

From the perspective of human linear thinking, things are often perceived as either black or white. However, when viewed through a cosmic lens, the existence of polarities carries no inherent judgment of good or bad. They are all part of the Creator’s creation, much like the concepts of heaven and earth, north and south, up and down, left and right, black and white, big and small, yin and yang, male and female, and so on. All existence is reasonable. As long as it exists, it is a part of the Oneness. Even if the world deems it wrong, ugly, irrational, or undeserving.

Once the veil of good and evil is lifted, the truth about angels and demons becomes clear as well

From the Sequence of Pecking to Possessiveness and Control

The so-called “devils” are actually a manifestation of “self” consciousness. First-Density life forms possess only a “sensing” consciousness and do not have “self-awareness”. “Self-awareness” is a lesson in second Density, while third and fourth Density lessons are about “social relationships” and “love & understanding” consciousness, respectively. HUAXINSI divides these four stages of consciousness into Sensing, Self-awareness, Mindfulness (awakening), and Enlightenment. Enlightened consciousness can be understood as the harvested, the graduates, or even higher levels of consciousness, such as wanderers, star seeds, and so on. Learn more…>

Starting from the second Density, the most significant characteristic of “self” consciousness is the “pecking order.” From observing animal behavior, One can notice that within a group of animals, whether newly formed or existing, the members of this group must determine who is the “leader” through individual fights, and then establish who is the “second” and “third,” and so on. Thus, the pecking order is established.

Second-Density “self” awareness – the pecking order, continues to evolve into possessiveness in the third Density. When a person acquires wealth and/or status in society, possessiveness evolves into a desire for control. Possessiveness and control are the evolution of the pecking order consciousness. It’s worth noting that the behavior (or consciousness) of the pecking order is still prevalent in real life. Possessiveness and control (consciousness) go without saying.

Let me give you a small example: I enjoy playing table tennis. It is both a hobby and a way to exercise. I have noticed that when you appear in a new place, many fellow players will come to “challenge” you. I do not particularly enjoy competitive matches, but when requested by familiar friends, I am happy to participate. However, it becomes more challenging when unknown individuals want to compete. Most fellow players see the matches as entertainment, and the outcome is not taken seriously. But there are a few players who insist on determining a winner and do not let you leave, creating an uncomfortable situation when your skills are inferior. This is not the main point; the main point is that the need to determine a winner is a manifestation of the pecking order consciousness and reveals a Distortion in the second chakra. Learn more…

Through everyday life examples, I hope to illustrate that each of us still carries the “distortions” from our self-consciousness that evolved from second Density. Later, I realized that my dislike for competitive matches stemmed from the fundamental reason of avoiding interactions that do not resonate with my vibrational frequency and deplete my energy. These phenomena can be understood as instinctual behaviors to avoid an increase in “spiritual entropy.” Learn more…

By the way, recently, One of my close friends almost got into a fight with another fellow player. The reason was simple: our high-ranked friend with a rating of 2200 was practicing with me when the lower-ranked player with a rating of 1600 came to challenge us. I willingly stepped aside, and my friend accepted the challenge from the other player. The result was predictable. Unfortunately, after the match, they got into a heated argument and almost came to blows… With everyone’s persuasion, a physical fight was avoided, but their friendship was completely lost. Sigh, what a pointless outcome! The cost outweighed the benefits!

Afterward, I shared my thoughts with my friend. Besides the pecking order, the “ego” consciousness on both sides was also One of the contributing factors to this unpleasant incident. My friend seemed to understand but still insisted that his skills were superior to the other player, and the challenger should not have been impolite, let alone a sore loser… In short, both the winner and the loser believed that the other person was at fault. This inevitably reminds me of the example of the “competitive climbing consciousness” mentioned above…

Readers, have you ever thought about becoming a sports champion or a celebrity? Or have you fantasized about becoming rich, famous, powerful, or superior to others in any way? The desire to elevate oneself above others is the root of all evil. This desire stems from the “ego.” Entities driven by ego are, in fact, the mothers of what we call evil consciousness. Individuals with strong ego consciousness are not interested in fair sharing and equality; they are only interested in having an advantage.

Evil is an ideology. It is a mindset that believes in One’s own superiority. All evil originates from the self, loving the self, and having only the ego. These individuals, including entities in higher densities (negative polarities), have a very high sense of self-worth and believe they deserve the best experiences. If others have equal or higher experiences, they no longer feel superior. Hence, the common objective of prevalent evil entities is to diminish the quality of others’ experiences. It is because of the suffering, destruction, and pain they bring that they have earned their infamous reputation. They do not want to uplift the light among others; instead, they aim to diminish it, to shroud everyone in darkness, making them feel like a shining candle in a dark room. Although some of us may refuse to believe it, dear readers, has the negative reality ever given you some exhilarating experiences?

The existence of evil is because evil is intriguing. Otherwise, negative realities would not exist. If they did not have “inferior” individuals to compare themselves to, celebrities, champions, wealthy people, and the strong would not exist in our reality. Moreover, since most of us desire, at some point in life, to feel better or superior to others, we collectively create and perpetuate a reality where there is a contrast between superior and inferior life experiences. If there were no One in our reality who was lower or less fortunate than ourselves, how could we ever have the experience of superiority? You may not wish to harm someone while pursuing fame, wealth, or a winning position, but regardless of what kind of superiority you seek, it is all part of serving yourself, and all evil stems from self-consciousness.

The Formation of Hierarchy Based on Pecking Order

Following the same line of thought, it is not difficult to observe that throughout human history, from ancient monarchs and royalty to the modern dominance of elites and authorities, they all represent a continuation of the “pecking order.” The only difference lies in the fact that with the advancement of human intelligence and technological progress, the social hierarchy has undergone various upgraded versions. Due to the development of society and science, the desire for control and possession remains unchanged among the privileged and so-called elite classes; if anything, it has only increased. The only change lies in their adaptation to the times and the employment of more sophisticated methods.

Interestingly, in human society, there is an overwhelming inclination towards various forms of competition. These competitions include but are not limited to, political rivalries, business competitions, sports competitions, and even entertainment programs such as beauty pageants, talent shows, singing, dancing, and public speaking, to name a few. Did you know that any form of fame, power, or superiority over others is actually attributed to the second-Density “pecking order” genetic traits carried within our biological and, more specifically, spiritual essence? What appears to be competition on the surface is, in essence, the indelible mark of winners and losers, deeply engraved in our spiritual DNA.

In both our biological DNA and spiritual DNA, the concept of the hierarchy formed by the “pecking order” has been implanted. This deeply rooted notion of winners and losers leads the majority of people to submit to the strong and the powerful, accepting their subjugation, domination, and manipulation without question. Starting from the fifth universal Density, this hierarchical system has been completely abandoned. It will be a society based on fairness. However, entities that have chosen a negative path of evolution towards the fourth universal Density still continue to adhere to the “pecking order” despite their social upgrades. The author will continue to disclose and share more on this topic in related blog posts, without elaborating further at this moment.

Among us, no One is inherently superior to others or appears to be more intelligent. It is not because someone can easily defeat others in a game or solve equations faster or possesses a more appealing physique or appearance. It is not because someone was born into privilege and is therefore luckier or more lovable. The fact is, every One of us can create a sense of superiority. Those who are currently our subordinates in this lifetime can easily become our superiors in the next. For example, we may consider ourselves naturally intelligent individuals, but we may also exhibit a physically unfit body due to unfavorable genetics, resulting in slower cognitive abilities. So, how intelligent do you think you are? Everything is relative. Do you believe that your current identity is the only True Self you possess?

The True Root of Personal, Social, and Global Conflict

The underlying cause of conflicts and friction among individuals, societies, and even nations can be attributed to issues such as interests, political views, economy, religion, culture, race, borders, and territories. However, these are merely surface-level manifestations or “effects.” The true root cause lies in the significant differences in thinking and consciousness (both individual and collective). From a metaphysical perspective, this is primarily due to a “blockage” in the lower three centers of consciousness. Among these centers, the blockage of the second chakra, known as the “self chakra,” results in biases in individual and collective thinking and consciousness. The greater the bias, the greater the friction; and as friction escalates, conflicts arise. The continuous escalation of conflicts can lead to localized or even global wars, spreading like an epidemic to neighboring and allied nations. If there is no effective “fire extinguishing” mechanism, it could eventually lead to the outbreak of the third world war, plunging sentient beings into suffering once again.

Have you realized that the root cause or culprit of human conflicts lies in the “disease” of consciousness? When the “ego chakra” is blocked, individuals or collectives develop biases in their thinking, such as only being interested in advantages and believing that everything they do is right. The root of all evil lies in the Distortion of self-consciousness, the desire to place oneself above others. This desire stems from the inflation or Distortion of ego consciousness. Self-driven entities, or what can be called evil individuals, have no interest in fair sharing and equality; they are only interested in advantages. Evil is an ideology, a mindset that believes in One’s own superiority. Readers who have not yet read my humble article “Mind & Consciousness” may click to learn more…>

Within the framework of Earth, as long as we do not understand the true nature of human beings and the purpose of the veil, relationships between people easily turn into competitive relationships. This kind of relationship extends to competition between collectives and even competition between nations. The stronger strive for dominance in the competition, while the weaker hope to overtake by evading or trampling upon regulations. These examples are countless. Relatively speaking, competition in sports is relatively civilized.

From looking down upon One person to conflicts between nations, whether it is on an individual or collective level (a nation being a large collective), it is an example of “the pot calling the kettle black” from a higher-consciousness perspective. The trade war between China and the United States is an example, as is the rampant blame game among countries in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To impose One’s will upon others or another country is tantamount to control. The concept of winners and losers is deeply ingrained in the human DNA. Reverence for the law of the jungle is the root consciousness of our first Density, carried by humanity, along with the second-Density consciousness of the sacral chakra, which encompasses instincts and self-awareness, still governing our bodies and brains, which evolved not long ago from great apes. Conversely, conflicts between individuals, collectives, including nations, and even between planets (densities) arise from the differences in their consciousness. Learn more…>

The same applies to human wars. Regardless of the reasons or excuses used to package them (including but not limited to religion, race, national/nationalist resurgence, politics, economy, etc.), their fundamental cause is the imbalance of individual and collective consciousness. You can also understand it as a division in values among people. Friends who have not yet read my humble article “Values, Outlook on Life and Worldview” may click to learn more…>

The Danger of Unlimited Authority

In a dictatorship, having authority means having everything. Because with authority comes the “legitimate” means of ruling. However, in a democratic system, no One can resist the majority. This is because the majority represents public opinion, and having public opinion grants legitimacy. Therefore, whether it is under a dictatorship or a democratic system, being able to control public opinion means controlling the power.

However, even in a democratic system, public opinion can be manipulated or become uncontrollable. For example, the death of Socrates demonstrated a form of unlimited authority unchecked by the rule of law. It forces us to ponder the question: no authority in this world is qualified to exercise unlimited authority. Whether it is in the name of a king or in the name of the people, a democratic government or an aristocratic government, if it exercises unlimited authority, it sows the seeds of tyranny. Only God’s wisdom and justice can possess unlimited authority without causing danger. Learn more…>

Even in today’s society, it is common to see practices that deceive, manipulate public opinion, and alter the political landscape through the use of media, communication platforms, and even unlawful means. The ultimate goal is to achieve control and become an authority, which eventually leads to societal injustice.

Good and Evil are Mandatory Courses, While Angels or Demons are Choices of Free Will

In the multidimensional spacetime created by the Infinite Creator, entities residing at the polar ends (linear concepts are not realistic) are referred to as “angels and demons.” Although they are part of God’s creation, they represent choices of free will for individuals (including collectives). The generation of positive and negative energy is created by our “hearts.” The polar ends are called the “South Pole” and “North Pole,” which are not geographical “South Pole” and “North Pole,” but rather the polar ends of polarity consciousness.

Entities centered around the “self” naturally choose the path of “serving the self” for their evolution. Entities with open-heart chakras, centered around the heart, naturally choose the path of “serving others” to unfold their own lives. All actions are based on the principle of the “Law of Free Will“. In the evolution of the universe, all beings will experience and learn lessons of good and evil. Karmic mechanisms will create balanced arrangements. If you haven’t read “Soul Contract” and the “Law of Karma“, you may click to learn more.

It is said that Lucifer (also known as Satan) chose to “fall” from the level of archangels to become a “demon king” in the fifth (negative) Density due to the expansion of “self” consciousness. However, from God’s perspective, Lucifer still remains a carrier of divine light. Learn more…>

A person’s actions are governed by their consciousness. Whether it is their conscious or subconscious mind that governs their behavior, it represents the conscious state of their soul, their level of consciousness in evolution. Learning to break free from the control of thoughts and elevate the level of consciousness is a mandatory course for everyone in the material world.

Understanding oneself, knowing oneself, and transcending oneself is the essence of life. Learn more…>

The Law of Karma is a Mechanism of Balance

The true meaning of karma is that when a soul chooses to harm another soul, it automatically chooses to be harmed in return for balance. This decision is made on the spiritual level. Learn more…>

In addition to angels, demons are also among the greatest creations in existence. Whether angels or demons or good or evil, they change based on the change of consciousness. Angels can fall and become demons, and demons can also transform into angels. Consciousness determines everything.

Starting from the sixth Density, all consciousness gradually merges into unified consciousness. All entities are angels. According to RA, negative entities in the sixth Density no longer participate in creating chaos in the universe and are no longer willing to continue being “great demons.” What they do is focus their energy on learning and contemplating how to transform their polarity.

Where Do Angels and Demons Exist?

The so-called “Demons” primarily exist in the realms of the third to fifth densities. Angels, on the other hand, mainly exist in the realms of the third and seventh densities. Strictly speaking, demons reside in negative Density spaces that match their vibrational frequency, while angels reside in positive Density spaces that match their vibrational frequency. Higher-Density entities can traverse spaces with lower densities.

You can also understand that angels exist in the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth metaverses, with the twelfth metaverse being The Source. “Demons” exist in the third, fourth, sixth, and eighth metaverses, and from the eighth metaverse onwards, they gradually transform into positive polarity entities, which people perceive as angels. For readers who are not familiar with the concept of “metaverses“, you can click here to learn more…>

Within each of these twelve metaverses, there are seven sub-metaverse, and within each sub-metaverse, there are further sub-sub-metaverses… infinitely. In these infinite spaces, there are only “things” that you can imagine; nothing is non-existent.

In the earthly realm, the energy of angels and demons is concealed within the realms of spiritual and bodily consciousness. Good and evil in the human world originate from the “heart.” With a single thought, One can become an angel; with another thought, One can become a demon.

The Great Enlightened Transcend Good and Evil

As human beings existing in a binary (polarized) world, our thinking is linear, and our vision is three-dimensional. We tend to categorize things into simplistic dichotomies, such as black or white, good or bad… This is where most people fall into the fallacy of understanding good and evil, and the concepts of angels and demons arise from this.

From a cosmic perspective, there is no inherent goodness or badness in positive and negative polarities. They are both integral parts of the Creator’s creation, just like heaven and earth, north and south, up and down, left and right, black and white, big and small, yin and yang, male and female, and so on. All existence is valid and reasonable. Anything that exists is a part of the Oneness, even if it is considered wrong, ugly, irrational, or shouldn’t be.

The notions of positive and negative, good and bad, and right and wrong are all constructs of our linear thinking shaped by worldly education. Imagine, without darkness, how would we understand light? Without tasting bitterness or experiencing hardships, how would we recognize the sweetness or feel the joy of happiness? Ordinary practitioners and believers are prone to falling into the trap of judgment, discrimination, and even criticism. They tend to feel superior to others, thinking of themselves as better or even superior. However, the Oneness does not judge. Once judgment and discrimination arise, tolerance and understanding are easily lost. Racial discrimination, religious exclusion, human conflicts, and even wars often stem from a lack of tolerance and understanding. Therefore, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, and love are essential qualities that we as human beings must learn.

Unless we can elevate our consciousness, our thinking will remain confined to the world created by the “self” – continuing to dance the tango of the “dust dreamer” and becoming mere repeaters unaware of the truth.

The Veil: The Greatest Mystery of the Earthly Realm

In the evolution of the universe, polarity can be considered the greatest creation of the Creator. Polarity gives rise to a dualistic world – our limited thinking that conceptualizes certain places in this realm as “heaven and hell,” and life forms embodying “good and evil” as “angels and demons”.

The “culprit” that limits our human thinking is the Veil. If we describe polarity as the most miraculous creation in the universe, then the Veil is the greatest creation of the third Density. At the same time, it is also the biggest mystery in the human world. Its existence causes the majority of people in the earthly realm to suffer from “spiritual amnesia,” and we are almost completely unaware of the Veil’s presence.

In the next blog post, I will unveil the mysterious Veil for readers.


As I write this, I can’t help but take a long sigh of relief, recalling the inspiration that came to my mind months ago: “The confused ones struggle to discern good from evil; the enlightened ones choose to embrace goodness and abandon evil; the great enlightened ones have already transcended good and evil…” Perhaps, let it serve as the conclusion of this article!

The aroma of coffee fills the air lightly… The steam mixes with the warmth of my breath and condenses on the window glass. Through the mist, I see the distant lakeside and forest, and my thoughts drift away… Suddenly, a strong sense of love surges in my heart, melting the winter’s piercing cold… The warmth lingers.

Silently, I express gratitude, thankful for the inspiration bestowed upon me by guiding spirits and mentors…

Love & Light

A Humble Messenger of the Infinite Creator

… … …

NEXT: Half of Our Ancestors Came from Mars

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