Prostate disease is a problem that every middle-aged or older man may inevitably face. Due to pride, lack of basic knowledge, or any other reasons, some of us tend to be hesitant to seek medical help. We don’t confront the reality until the problem arises. As the author, I’m no wiser than the readers; I’m only wise in hindsight. However, because of this representativeness, I feel it is necessary to share my own experiences of discovering the disease and undergoing treatment with the readers. I hope that by doing so, I can provide some guidance and insights to readers who may have similar conditions. Although I never thought of sharing my privacy before, I gathered the courage to remove the veil of shame and share the knowledge and experiences I gained through this process.

Life’s Mandatory Course

In the postscript of the blog post “Why is Sickness, Suffering or Death Always with Us?”, I revealed that on a day early last year, I met with a urologist to learn about the results of the prostate biopsy I had undergone. I foresaw the results even before the test results were available. I even wrote, “There was not a ripple of disturbance or anxiety in my heart. Instead, a sense of joy rose within me… as if the long-awaited next movement was about to start… Life is truly indescribable!” As for why I had a different reaction than most people, by the end of this article, you will naturally understand—it is the focal point of my sharing.

Just like the title of this article, yes, my diagnosis confirmed that I had prostate cancer. From the doctor’s drawing, the cancer was located on the left side of the base of my prostate. Although my prostate cancer was still in the early stage, but it was rated Gleason Grade 2 score, meaning that my prostate cancer belonged to a relatively aggressive type. Once the results were out, the doctor urged me to seek a second opinion from another radiation specialist, aside from considering surgery. Today, approximately a year and a half later, I have decided to share how I discovered my prostate issues, how I was diagnosed with cancer, and ultimately, how I healed from it. I also have some extraordinary and magical experiences to share with the readers—these experiences and encounters have become an integral part of my life journey.

I hope that readers who are suffering from cancer or other serious illnesses can find inspiration through my story. Learn from it and apply it to your own situations. Because diseases and suffering do not happen by chance, and they are far from the traditional concept of “misfortune.” They are lessons we must learn in our life journey!

Cause and Effect

Tracing back to around fifteen years ago, I realized that my prostate issues began with a change in urination. Instead of a strong stream, it became slower, with a reduced amount but increased frequency. At that time, I had moved from Chicago to a small town in Guangdong, China, living a destitute and solitary life. I resided in a cheap hotel room… and the small coffee table between two single sofas became my workstation alongside my only local colleague. To save money, I relied on $1.5 salted chicken boxed meals and a bowl of clear soup for my lunch and dinner. This lifestyle continued for over a year. Although I was mentally content, my physical well-being told a different story. Interested readers can click on the article “Who Am I?” to learn more… here to skip a few hundred words of description.

Noticing the possibility of having an enlarged prostate, I naturally became aware that the streets and alleys of Huizhou were filled with advertisements related to prostate issues. The commercial tone of “guaranteed cure” made me hesitate. To be cautious, I decided to seek a check-up at a large hospital in Guangzhou. The doctor even performed a urine flow test for me.

He had an air of someone accustomed to various challenges and believed I didn’t need to worry too much. He quickly prescribed some medication, and then he went on and on, promoting his own fame and popularity—it took more time than the actual diagnosis… Watching him, who seemed more like a businessman than a doctor, and noticing his slight intoxication early in the morning, even I became bewildered… Was I really experiencing prostate issues or not? I thought his reputation was greater than his competence, and going back to him might not yield any further results. Consequently, the idea of addressing my prostate issues faded away as I walked out of the hospital.

In 2014, after returning to the United States, I consulted with my family doctor and a urologist. After some basic examinations, no issues were found. I still remember the first time, upon referral from my family doctor, I chose a specialized examination at a major hospital in downtown Tampa, Florida. After making an appointment, I had to wait for two to three months to see the doctor. Before seeing the doctor, his assistant conducted a series of examinations. The doctor’s assistant was a woman around thirty years old. I felt extremely embarrassed as I had no mental preparation for the examination. The procedure was unfamiliar to me, both before and after… Thinking back now, I still blush and feel uneasy. In my mind, slogans from recent movements unexpectedly come to mind: “Me too”… However, perhaps this might not the reality. After all, I am a male and of a certain age; I haven’t heard any friends complain about similar experiences. Thus, this “unique experience” gradually faded away with the passage of time… if not for this moment, typing out my true past in front of the computer screen.

The Red Light was On

I was not sure if it’s related to the previous two experiences, but since then, I hadn’t paid much attention to my prostate issues. I even ignored the increasing levels of my prostate-specific antigen (PSA) over the years, until the red light came on…

Due to choosing a different insurance company, I changed my family doctor. The new doctor reminded me that my PSA had risen above the level of “7,” which was considered high. So, my family doctor suggested that I see a specialist. However, due to various reasons, I kept postponing the appointment with the specialist. During this time, I experienced hematuria (blood in the urine) on two occasions. It wasn’t until a routine checkup in 2021 that I discovered that my PSA had skyrocketed to a high level of 11.7 (please refer to the “Normal Reference Values for Prostate-Specific Antigen” below). I felt a strong sense of unease and urgency, so I immediately arranged to see a urologist. And thus, as described in the postscript of the article “Why is Sickness, Suffering or Death Always with Us?” and the introductory description in this article, I was diagnosed with fairly “aggressive” prostate cancer.

However, when the urologist officially took over my case, my PSA dropped from a high of 11.7 to 11.1. But the doctor still advised me to go for a comprehensive inspection. First, I was advised to have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the possibility of prostate cancer. Following the doctor’s instructions, I immediately went to the recommended institution for a specialized MRI examination. Surprisingly, the results showed no signs of prostate cancer. The report shows that everything is fine.

My urologist believed that MRI was not the only tool and that it served as an auxiliary device. Just because no shadows were found didn’t mean that the possibility of cancer could be ruled out. After hearing the explanation, I agreed to undergo further testing through a biopsy procedure. The prostate biopsy is a medical procedure to diagnose prostate cancer or other prostate diseases. During this procedure, small tissue samples are taken from different parts of the prostate and examined under a microscope to detect any abnormalities or cancer cells. In my case, twelve tissue samples were taken from various locations in my prostate for biopsy. The results of the biopsy would take two weeks to be available.

January 28, 2022, was the day my biopsy results were revealed. In a blog post, I wrote, “Readers, I happened to be writing about topics related to ‘disease, suffering, and even death‘, and I happened to be preparing the column and content for “Therapy and Rehabilitation“… Do you think all of this is a coincidence? The answer is, there are no coincidences in the world; everything is part of destiny, the best arrangement from above!” Interested readers can click the link to learn more.

At this point in the story, what I most want to share with the readers is not just my personal story but the truth behind the story – looking at the causes and insights of the disease from a pathological perspective and beyond. In doing so, I hope to find suitable methods for treating the disease. Below, I will gather traditional medical approaches for a quick overview, and then I will explain them from a metaphysical perspective and share my personal experiences for discussion.

What is the Prostate? What Function Does It Have?

The prostate is a small gland in the male body and is part of the reproductive system. Its main function is to produce and secrete semen, which is an essential component of semen. The prostate plays a role in fertility and reproductive processes. The basic functions of the prostate include:

1. Semen production: The prostate produces and secretes a milky fluid that makes up a significant portion of semen. This fluid nourishes and protects sperm cells during ejaculation. Semen contains enzymes, proteins, fructose (a source of energy for sperm), and other substances that contribute to sperm motility and vitality.

2. Contraction of prostate muscles: During ejaculation, the prostate contracts to help propel semen into the urethra. These contractions are responsible for expelling semen and sperm during sexual climax.

3. Production of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA): The prostate also produces a substance called Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). PSA is an enzyme that liquefies semen after ejaculation, allowing the sperm to move freely. PSA levels can be measured through a blood test and serve as a marker for certain prostate conditions, including prostate cancer.

While the primary functions of the prostate are related to reproduction, it’s worth noting that the prostate can be affected by various health conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) or prostate cancer. Regular check-ups and screenings are recommended to maintain prostate health.

Prostate Disease Mainly Includes the Following Common Types:

Prostate diseases mainly include the following common types:

1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Benign prostatic hyperplasia refers to the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland in males. It is also known as benign prostatic enlargement (BPH). It is an age-related condition that mostly occurs in males aged 50 and above. Prostate enlargement can lead to urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, weak urine flow, and dribbling.

2. Prostatitis: Prostatitis refers to the inflammation of the prostate tissue in males. It can be caused by a bacterial infection or non-bacterial inflammation. Bacterial prostatitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection, while non-bacterial prostatitis does not have a clear bacterial infection.

3. Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is One of the most common cancers in males. It typically occurs in the cells of the prostate gland and may not cause noticeable symptoms in its early stages. As the cancer progresses, symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, weak urine flow, blood in urine, and bone pain may occur.

In addition to the above-mentioned diseases, there are other relatively rare prostate conditions such as prostate stones, prostate cysts, and prostate adenoma. Each condition has different symptoms and treatment methods. Below, the author lists the prostate lesions in order:

What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and What are Its Causes?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as benign prostatic enlargement, refers to the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland in males. Here are some common causes of BPH:

  1. Hormonal Changes: As men age, changes in hormone levels, particularly testosterone, may contribute to prostate enlargement. These hormonal changes can lead to the proliferation and growth of prostate tissue.
  2. Age: BPH is an age-related condition that mostly occurs in males aged 50 and above. As men age, the rate of cell growth in the prostate increases, resulting in prostate enlargement.
  3. Genetic Factors: Genetic factors may play a role in the development of BPH. If there are cases of BPH in the family, the individual may have an increased risk of developing the condition.
  4. Lifestyle and Environmental Factors: Certain lifestyle and environmental factors may be associated with BPH. These include lack of exercise, poor dietary habits, obesity, stress, and certain occupational exposures.

The specific causes of BPH are not fully understood, but the factors mentioned above are believed to be related to its occurrence. BPH can lead to urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, weak urine flow, and dribbling. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor for evaluation and treatment.

What is Prostatitis, and What are Its Causes?

Prostatitis refers to the inflammation of the prostate tissue in males. It can be categorized into two main types: bacterial prostatitis and non-bacterial prostatitis. Here is a brief description of these two types of inflammation and their potential causes:

1. Bacterial Prostatitis: Bacterial prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate tissue caused by a bacterial infection. Common pathogens include Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus. These bacteria can enter the prostate from the urethra, leading to infection and inflammation. Bacterial prostatitis can be caused by urinary tract infections, sexual activities, catheterization, urinary reflux, or other sources of infection.

2. Non-bacterial Prostatitis: Non-bacterial prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate tissue without detectable bacterial infection in urine and prostatic fluid samples. The exact cause of non-bacterial prostatitis is unclear, but it may be associated with autoimmune reactions, abnormalities in the nervous system, lifestyle factors, chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), or other factors.

The symptoms of prostatitis may include lower abdominal pain, pelvic discomfort, frequent urination, urgency, urethral pain, painful ejaculation, and sexual dysfunction. The diagnosis of prostatitis usually requires a physical examination, urine analysis, prostatic fluid testing, and exclusion of other diseases.

The treatment methods depend on the type and severity of inflammation. Bacterial prostatitis is typically treated with antibiotics, while the treatment for non-bacterial prostatitis may include anti-inflammatory drugs, lifestyle adjustments, physical therapy, and pain management.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in men that originates from malignant cells in the prostate tissue. It is One of the most prevalent cancers in men.

Prostate cancer typically grows slowly and may not have noticeable symptoms in the early stages, but it can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious complications in advanced stages. Regular prostate cancer screening and health check-ups are key to early detection and treatment.

The specific causes of prostate cancer are not fully understood, but they are believed to be related to factors such as genetics, hormone levels, age, and lifestyle. Some common symptoms of prostate cancer include frequent urination, urgency to urinate, weak or interrupted urine flow, blood in the urine, discomfort in the urethra, and erectile problems.

The diagnosis of prostate cancer is typically confirmed through tissue biopsy. Treatment options include surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and active surveillance, depending on the stage of cancer and individual circumstances.

Early detection and treatment of prostate cancer can improve cure rates and prognosis. Regular prostate cancer screening and close collaboration with a doctor are crucial for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of prostate cancer. If you have any concerns or symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor promptly for evaluation and diagnosis.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms:

Symptoms of prostate cancer can vary from person to person and may not be evident in the early stages. Here are some common symptoms of prostate cancer:

  1. Frequent urination or urgency: You may experience a frequent need to urinate, especially at night. You may also feel a sense of urgency to urinate immediately.
  2. Weak or interrupted urine flow: You may notice a weakening of the urine stream or intermittent flow, and sometimes it may even stop completely.
  3. Discomfort in the urethra: Prostate cancer can cause compression or obstruction of the urethra, leading to urinary discomfort, burning sensation, or pain.
  4. Blood in the urine: Blood in the urine is a common symptom of prostate cancer. You may see blood or blood clots in the urine, which can appear pink, red, or brown.
  5. Discomfort in the scrotum or perineal area: Some individuals may feel discomfort, pain, or a sense of pressure in the scrotum, perineum, or rectal area.
  6. Erectile problems or difficulty ejaculating: Prostate cancer can affect sexual function, resulting in erectile problems or difficulty ejaculating.

These symptoms do not necessarily indicate that you have prostate cancer, as they can also be associated with other prostate issues. However, if you experience the above symptoms, especially if multiple symptoms occur simultaneously or persist, it is recommended to promptly consult a doctor for evaluation and diagnosis.

Please remember that only a doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis based on your specific circumstances. If you have any concerns or symptoms, it is important to communicate and consult with a doctor promptly.

The Real Cause of Prostate Cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is not fully understood, but research suggests that it may be associated with various factors, including genetic factors, age, hormone levels, and lifestyle.

  1. Genetic factors: Genetic variations may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. If there are cases of prostate cancer in your family, your risk of developing the disease may be higher.
  2. Age: The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age. Most prostate cancer patients are aged 65 or older.
  3. Hormone levels: Male hormones, particularly testosterone, are believed to play a significant role in the development of prostate cancer. High levels of testosterone and other male hormones may increase the risk of prostate cancer.
  4. Diet and lifestyle: Some studies suggest that a high-fat diet, low intake of vegetables and fruits, obesity, and lack of physical activity may be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
  5. Inflammation and prostate conditions: Chronic prostatitis and other prostate conditions may be associated with the development of prostate cancer.

It is important to note that these factors are only associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer and do not necessarily mean that they will cause prostate cancer. The etiology of prostate cancer is complex and may involve a combination of multiple factors.

The best approach is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, regular check-ups, and close collaboration with healthcare providers, to facilitate early detection and treatment of prostate cancer or other health issues. If you have any questions or concerns about prostate cancer, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

What Level of Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) is Considered Normal, and at What Level is It Considered Abnormal?

PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland and is commonly used as an indicator in prostate cancer screening and evaluation. However, the ideal range for normal PSA levels is not a fixed value and can vary due to individual differences and other factors.

Generally, here are some common reference ranges:

  • For men under 40 years old: The normal range is typically between 0-2.5 ng/mL.
  • For men aged 40-49: The normal range is typically between 0-3.5 ng/mL.
  • For men aged 50-59: The normal range is typically between 0-4.5 ng/mL.
  • For men aged 60-69: The normal range is typically between 0-6.5 ng/mL.
  • For men aged 70 and above The normal range is typically between 0-8.5 ng/mL.

It’s important to note that these ranges are provided as reference values and may not apply to everyone. PSA levels can be influenced by various factors, including age, prostate health, prostate volume, prostate inflammation, and other factors. The individual’s normal PSA level should be determined by a doctor based on their specific circumstances and clinical judgment.

It’s worth noting that an elevated PSA level outside the normal range does not necessarily indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Other non-cancerous factors such as prostate enlargement, prostate inflammation, or prostate stimulation can also cause an increase in PSA.

If your PSA results are outside the normal range, your doctor may recommend further evaluation, such as a digital rectal examination (DRE) or prostate tissue biopsy, to determine the presence of prostate cancer or other diseases.

Methods for Preventing Prostate Cancer

While it is not possible to completely prevent prostate cancer, the following methods can help reduce the risk of developing it:

  1. Healthy Diet: Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and proteins. Moderately reduce the consumption of high-fat foods, processed foods, and red meat.
  2. Weight Control: Maintain a healthy weight range and avoid obesity. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
  3. Exercise: Maintain a moderate level of physical activity. Engage in aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, and swimming, as well as strength training, to promote overall health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  4. No Smoking: Smoking is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. If you smoke, consider quitting.
  5. Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Men should limit their daily alcohol intake to a maximum of two drinks.
  6. Regular Check-ups: Regular prostate cancer screenings are crucial. Consult with a doctor and follow their recommendations for PSA testing and digital rectal exams (DRE).
  7. Understand Family History: If there are cases of prostate cancer in your family, discuss it with your doctor. You may need more frequent screenings due to the higher risk associated with family history.
  8. Caution with Testosterone Supplements: For men diagnosed with prostate cancer or at high risk, exercise caution when using testosterone supplements as they may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Please remember that these methods can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer but do not provide a guarantee. If you have any concerns or symptoms of prostate cancer, it is advisable to consult a doctor early on for evaluation and diagnosis.

The following are my personal insights from a pathological perspective and beyond, aiming to understand the causes and lessons of the disease in order to find suitable methods of treatment for oneself.

Look At the Causes and Implications of Disease from the Perspective of Pathology and Beyond

From both a pathological and non-pathological perspective, the author believes that our universe, planets, and even our bodies are composed of both matter and spirit. Without understanding this, we cannot identify the real cause of diseases. Even if the physical symptoms are removed, true healing may not be achieved if the underlying cause is not addressed.

Based on this principle, the author analyzed his own condition from a pathological perspective and considered the opinions given by doctors. The trajectory of his prostate cancer began with prostate enlargement, followed by prostate inflammation, and ultimately transformed into prostate cancer, a malignant form.

The author also analyzed his own past lifestyle and found that his life became irregular after returning to China from the United States. Before the divorce, I was responsible for managing seven different-sized restaurants One of them being a restaurant with a bar that served dinner and late-night meals. Most of the late-night customers were chefs working at restaurants near Chinatown in Chicago. They would gather at the author’s restaurant for late-night meals after finishing work. The nightclub closed at 1 am. Typically, the author would drive for about 50-60 minutes from his bar restaurant in Naperville, located in the suburbs, to Chinatown, withdraw cash stored in the cash register, and bring it home. The next day, after the cash was counted by their ex-wife, it would be deposited in the bank. One time, as we were returning home at midnight, we were ambushed by masked robbers hiding in the small bushes on both sides of the house, who pointed handguns at my temples and demanded cash. After this incident and other reasons, we moved to a place not far from the largest restaurants in the suburban area. Those that have little to do with my cancer are not further elaborated upon.

Regarding factors possibly related to my cancer, my sleep schedule and diet, especially the sleep schedule, seemed significant. The author, who went to bed very late, still had to wake up early, because my three stepsons were attending school near downtown Chicago (my daughter lived at the school). I had to wake up around 5 am every morning to drive and drop them off at the same school before returning home to catch up on sleep. The round trip took about two hours. Just imagine, a person sleeps continuously for two or three hours in the morning; wakes up at five o’clock, no matter how you count, the sleep time is less than three hours, The author can hardly put into words how I felt during that time. The harm to the body is self-evident. Even if I tried to compensate by sleeping afterward, it was futile. This sleep schedule continued for over a year until the eldest son turned 16 and learned to drive.

Due to various reasons, the author went through a painful divorce. As the divorce process is not directly related to the cause of my illness, it is omitted from the discussion. As for the parts related to my Soul Contract, I will share that in another appropriate context if necessary.

After the divorce, the author left with nothing (no possessions or property) except two laptops and two suitcases and relocated from Chicago to a small town in Guangdong, China. I lived in the cheapest hotel, which even provided free broadband internet access. The small coffee table between two single sofas became the only workspace for me and the only local colleague. To save money, we often had $1.5 salted chicken boxed meals and a bowl of clear soup for both lunch and dinner. This lifestyle continued for over a year. Again, several hundred words are omitted here. Interested readers can click on the author’s other blog post “Who am I?” to learn more…>

Furthermore, family history and genetic factors are likely relevant. The author’s father had a total of fourteen siblings, and he was the eleventh in order. Except for One aunt who is not related by blood, the other thirteen are all brothers and sisters born of the same father or half-mother. Some of my father’s brothers and sisters passed away early due to various reasons. Among the remaining siblings and their descendants, there is a significant number who have passed away from various types of cancer, including my father who died of liver cancer when he was 45 years old.

I had a cousin who was diagnosed with liver cancer. It was a twist of fate that I happened to visit him shortly before his passing. The process of finding him was also a result of destiny. It happened to me to attend a large business conference in Boston. After the meeting, I visited Harvard University, and I suddenly remembered that I was in Boston, USA, and I had several relatives. It’s approaching lunchtime, and I had most of the day left. So, I tried to contact them. However, since I had neither their contact information nor their English names, I managed to find all my relatives including my cousin in Boston in a very short period of time and we had dinner together on the same day. Since the search method is not relevant to this article, it is omitted here. In the future, I will share further on the topic of meditation, manifestation, and Synchronicity (Synchronicity).

At the dinner, when talking about my cousin’s physical condition, his resentment was still vivid. He complained about the medical system, such as the fact that patients must be referred by their PCP before they can see a specialist. In addition, if your family doctor is slow to recommend the patient to see a specialist, it may delay the best time for treatment. Not long after we met, my cousin, who was as strong as a cow, failed to beat cancer and passed away in middle age. It’s really sad. By the way, his mother, my father’s older sister, was tenth, I called her tenth aunt, who also died of liver cancer. She, like my other cousin, had cancer, which was only a trigger and exit point for their death, not the only cause or reason for their death.

Metaphysical Perspective: The True Causes of Prostate Cancer

Although the analysis and recommendations listed above seem impeccable from a pathological perspective, although, the study believes that “prostate cancer may be related to a variety of factors, including genetic factors, age, hormone levels and lifestyle, etc.” However, it is clear from pathological studies that “the exact cause of prostate cancer is not fully understood”.

The author believes this is due to the excessive focus of our modern education, including science and medicine, on studying the physical aspects. In contrast, our exploration and research in the spiritual aspects are nearly nonexistent. Therefore, in our everyday life, there are many problems for which we cannot find true answers and solutions, including the causes of cancer, diabetes, mental illness, psoriasis, and so on, let alone their treatments.

From a metaphysical point of view, the unknown part of modern medicine, or the part that is still not fully understood, or the part that cannot be figured out at all, is precisely the part that belongs to the spiritual field. In this part, the author has described in detail “Fate, Destiny and Karma“, “Soul Contract Fulfillment“, and “Soul Contract“. Interested readers, please click to learn more… >

Furthermore, the author believes that firstly, I chose my parents and the family I was born into, which means that in terms of genetic inheritance, I may have carried the hereditary factors for cancer. In other words, the experiences and lessons related to this were options before my birth. In addition to the various circumstances mentioned, including the lifestyle choices I made and the various experiences I had—you can understand them as the sum of “cause and effect.” Do you remember the description I provided in the article “Catalyst“? Disease, pain, and suffering are all catalysts.

Furthermore, there is the “karmic balance mechanism” mentioned in “Soul Contract“. It is a program created by the Creator that functions similarly to familiar applications. Once the pre-birth Soul Contract is “signed” on the soul level, a person’s so-called “destiny” arrangement is downloaded into their consciousness.

When a person fails to learn the lessons, they were supposed to learn in their life, the karmic balance mechanism that has already been downloaded into their consciousness automatically generates corresponding “catalyst“. The disease, pain, and suffering we experience in life are catalysts—the appearance of catalysts is meant to allow individuals to experience and learn the lessons related to them. These lessons revolve around the themes of the third-Density: “social relationships“. The purpose is to balance the personal and collective karma related to these themes. In other words, it allows individuals and collectives involved to fulfill the relevant agreements in their soul contracts. Interested readers can click the above links to learn more.

What I Learned in the Process of My Cancer Treatment

This is the most exciting and share-worthy part of the entire article for me. It’s because I truly witnessed the process of applying what I learned. In the process of treating my prostate cancer, I experienced the true sense of facing life and death – it was like the rebirth of a phoenix… What I’m referring to is not the feeling after curing cancer but the process itself. You can imagine it as a condensed version of metamorphosis.

What’s different now is that in the process of post-enlightenment practice, even when encountering something as significant as prostate cancer, there is no longer genuine worry or suffering. Understanding the meaning of catalysts, any type of catalyst that appears becomes a new “assignment” for me. Strictly speaking, it’s not an exam because I basically understand the meaning of the questions and have the fundamental answers. The question is how can I complete each “assignment” better.

Below, I would like to share the specific mindset and implementation process of this “assignment” – “My Prostate Cancer Healing Journey.”

HUAXINSI -Think with Heart

For readers who have read the “Xin Method“, you might remember that the emphasis is on the “heart”. The Xin Method is HUA-XIN-SI which combines three Chinese characters into One term, meaning “Think with Heart” with emphasis on Xin which means heart. When thinking, the heart goes first. The heart is The Source of love, the gateway to infinite intelligence – this is the HUAXINSI, the Xin Method. It is also the reason for the naming of this website.

The author puts theory into practice, the term “practice” implies putting theory into action. Learning and applying are necessary for progress; otherwise, it’s just empty talk!

Learning and Applying

During my daily meditation, I repeat this sentence: “Thank you dear God for another day of my journey, may it bring all necessary experiences so that my soul can learn and grow with the protection of light and love…” The intention here is not only to express gratitude but also to embrace the opportunity to learn and grow from the challenges each day brings. It includes the willingness to accept constant challenges, which requires great courage.

I was mentally prepared for the onset of cancer. As mentioned earlier, I was born into a family with a high risk of cancer-based on family history and genetic inheritance. Additionally, as a Lightworker, I have chosen to accept challenges and allow my spirituality to continuously grow, aligning with my goals. Therefore, I had prepared myself mentally to face the challenges.

The arrival of illness or suffering is often preceded by signs. It doesn’t suddenly appear out of nowhere unless you deliberately ignore your inner self and the matters around you. Or perhaps, your lesson is to learn about the consequences of ignoring things. Readers can extrapolate from my experience and observe their own daily lives.

My Neighbor

Using my own experience as an example, a few months before I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, my neighbor—a recently retired American who had moved from the Midwest to Florida. He’s tall, strong and had a good sense of humor, fun, and a willingness to help. Whenever he mowed the lawn or trimmed the flowers, he would proactively take care of the shared areas and the small bushes that separated our properties. His wife once said, “Dan helps fix your sprinkler system with more enthusiasm and happiness than he does his own…”

Not only did he offer assistance, but he also gave us a set of various tools and taught me how to repair the lawn sprinkler system and more. I learned a lot of handy skills from him and became a diligent handyman. Together with my wife, we would mow the grass, plant flowers, fruit trees, and vegetables, and build chicken coops and chicken runs. I even learned to fix basic heating and cooling systems and replace a water heater through YouTube tutorials.

One day, he knocked on my door, looking nervous. He told me that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I immediately invited him into my home and listened to his story. He seemed a bit emotional, and I noticed tears welling up in his eyes… It reminded me of my own father who passed away from cancer. Without fully understanding the extent of the harm caused by prostate cancer, I thought his time might be limited, and tears of sadness welled up in my eyes too… I asked him what I could do for him, but he turned it around and comforted me instead. Since then, I’ve been proactive in trimming the lawn and bushes, even until today…

Afterward, he shared a lot of knowledge about prostate cancer with me. Especially after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer as well, we would often engage in lengthy conversations on the topic. He also revealed to me that since he started hormone therapy, there have been significant physiological and psychological changes in him… Eventually, he made the decision to follow his innermost desires and undergo a transition to become a woman, including changing his legal identification from “he” to “she.” While it was unexpected for me, I fully understood and accepted his transformation. It was evident that this change came from a deep understanding of himself and was not a sudden impulse.

A few days ago, he and his wife told me that they would be moving to Maine. The reason is that too many people have been moving to Florida from other states, and the neighborhood has become more crowded, with increased traffic and busier shopping areas. Perhaps, they have some other reasons. Anyway, my entire family is truly saddened by their departure.

Trusting My Intuition

Speaking of which, his illness undoubtedly served as a wake-up call for me—I should confront my own prostate issues… So, I began a series of examinations. Coincidentally, a few weeks later, a warehouse and logistics supplier I had known for over fifteen years, who was involved in e-commerce, informed me that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was considering treatment options. And just as that news settled, I received notification that another cousin of mine had passed away due to prostate cancer.

I’m quite familiar with such wake-up calls. Even before my enlightenment, I had witnessed the mysteries of Synchronicity. For example, whenever I had an extraordinarily strong thought about contacting someone, it turned out that significant events were occurring in their lives. Some were facing death, while others were encountering nearly insurmountable challenges. Not because I was ominous, on the contrary, my appearance would always provide comfort or assistance to these individuals. At the very least, it helped soothe the unrest within my own heart.

As a result, I have great trust in my intuition. However, these particular wake-up calls were too loud for me to ignore!

Trusting the Doctors

“HUAXINSI” – applying the Xin Method to deal with various problems is my motto. I apply it in all aspects of my life, including finding doctors and following their advice. Just like any other task, I put thought and even a considerable amount of time into finding the right doctor. The end result is saving time on “rework.” Besides considering their achievements and age, what matters most is their vibrational frequency and compatibility with me.

Some older doctors have impressive track records but may not be up to date with the latest medical technology due to their age. On the other hand, those who keep up with new technologies might be overly self-centered or focused on commercial interests. Naturally, even if they fall within my radar, I won’t hesitate to remove them from my contact list. It’s not being too realistic, it’s following the “law of attraction” – avoiding what is not aligned. Otherwise, you’ll end up with extra “assignments” to do.

In this particular experience, I believe I found the best and most suitable family doctor, a urological surgeon with excellent skills and character, and the radiation oncologist who exceled in all aspects. They were not only exceptional in their fields but also exhibited their genuine spirits of serving others.

In addition to the doctors, the radiation therapists who administered my treatment were also extremely diligent. Through conversations with some of the female therapists, I discovered their passion for this profession, which allows them to save lives. I couldn’t help but feel deep respect for them. I am immensely grateful for their diagnosis and treatments, but to avoid any suspicion, I won’t disclose their personal names or institutions. However, if there are readers who reside in my vicinity and are in need, I would be more than happy to recommend them to you.

Trusting My Spirit Guides

Each person has at least One guiding spirit that accompanies them, much like our spiritual parents. These spirit guides are often members of our family or soul group. Sometimes, they may not have a direct connection, especially when you experience significant spiritual growth, which naturally attracts new guides who are suitable for you. Essentially, your guiding spirit has been with you since birth, with the primary mission of assisting your spiritual growth.

Getting to know your spirit guides is an essential part of your spiritual growth. As you raise your vibrational frequency, you can connect with your guiding spirit. Since their task is to assist your spiritual growth, there is no reason for us not to trust our guiding spirits. Believe in your intuition and trust your spirit guides!

Contacting Archangel Erik became “Surfacing”

If I had previously maintained private contact with Erik, the subsequent contact with him emerged into the open. Just before I discovered I had prostate cancer, I happened to be taking a paid course on opening the third eye. Naturally, after my cancer diagnosis, I didn’t miss the opportunity and proactively connected with Erik through a spiritual translator commonly known as a psychic medium.

The significant benefit of communicating through a medium is the ability to verify questions that were hidden in my heart, including things I already knew but wanted direct confirmation from Erik. For example, I asked Erik once again why we were working together. His answer was almost identical to what I had thought myself. He said, “Your vibrational frequency attracted me… You have many similarities with me…” I was astounded because my fondness for Erik stemmed from the very same reasons.

To cut a long story short, through the translation of the medium, Erik would appear at my surgical table and during each radiation treatment to protect me. He even suggested, through the medium, that I have my prostate removed. Can you guess whether I followed the angel’s advice? Did I have my prostate removed? Do you remember in my blog post “Messiah to Redeem the World?” in which I mentioned that “One’s inner self is his own savior”? How do we interpret this statement? Does it mean we shouldn’t trust the words of the Archangel? Allow me to explain below…

Think with Heart

The author’s urologist, after obtaining the inspection report of the slice operation, suggested that the author see the radiation oncologist and listen to his suggestion as the second opinion. Then it was up to me to make my own decision – whether to have a prostatectomy or whether to have radiation therapy. On the One hand, it is a doctor who gives me what they think is the best opinion for me and my family from a pathological point of view; on the other hand, it is an angel, who also thinks about me personally.

Before I got a comprehensive opinion from the doctor, I was biased toward the advice of the Archangel. I also consulted with two specialists about whether removing the prostate is the best option or not. But the results of the final study by two specialists rejected my suggestion to remove the prostate. One of them was also a surgeon. The reason was:

To remove the prostate, there are three commonly used techniques for prostatectomy: “open surgery”, “laparoscopic surgery”, and “robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery”. Even utilizing today’s state-of-the-art “robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery,” considered One of the most advanced methods of prostatectomy. Although, this minimally invasive technique improves precision, flexibility, and 3D Visualization of the surgical site. Surgeons control a robotic arm equipped with surgical instruments, which can greatly improve outcomes and shorten recovery times compared to open surgery. However, the possible risks of surgery have to be considered, such as surgical risks, urinary problems, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and other potential complications, as follows:

1. Surgical risks: Common to all surgical risks, which may include infection, bleeding, blood clots, adverse reactions to anesthesia, or damage to surrounding tissues or organs. See 6 and 7 below for details;

2. Urinary problems: Prostatectomy may cause short-term or long-term urinary problems such as incontinence (leaking of urine), difficulty controlling urination, or urinary retention (inability to completely empty the bladder);

3. Erectile dysfunction: Depending on the method used and the patient’s preoperative sexual function, there is a risk of erectile dysfunction (impotence) after prostatectomy. The nerves that control erections are located close to the prostate and may be affected during the procedure. However, with advances in surgical techniques and nerve-sparing approaches, the risk of erectile dysfunction has decreased, and sexual function may return in some patients;

4. Infertility: Prostatectomy leads to orgasm without ejaculation, known as dry orgasm or retrograde ejaculation. This means that semen is redirected into the bladder instead of being expelled through the penis. As a result, natural fertility is generally affected and conception may require alternative methods such as sperm retrieval and assisted reproductive technologies;

5. Other Potential Complications: There may be other potential complications with each surgical technique, such as anastomotic leak (leakage at the site where the bladder and urethra rejoin), injury to the rectum or rectal wall, hernias, or complications related to the use of robotics System failures (such as technical failures);

6. Accidentally injure the nerve line: In addition, the doctor emphasized that no matter how delicate the operation is, the possibility of injuring part of the nerve line will not be ruled out, resulting in loss of sexual function. Unless the patient has already lost sexual function, the doctor believes that, given my good physical condition, I am strongly advised not to take the option of removing the prostate;

7. Cancer metastasis: Finally, the doctor also emphasized that after the prostate is removed, it cannot be ruled out that the cancer will not metastasize to other parts of the body.

After listening to the doctors’ detailed analysis from the pathological point of view, I fell into deep thought… Why did the Archangel’s suggestion disagree with the doctors’ opinions? Could it be that the Archangel was using this to test my choice? Or is the option to have my prostate removed really the best option for my personal benefit, for example, it’s good for my body? Therefore, the author took out the Xin Method I realized to weigh the pros and cons of the above suggestions for myself and my family…

Family First

The author, who had been practicing the Xin Method in his post-enlightenment practice, always prioritized the family. Reflecting on the “failed” marriage, I indeed learned a lot. The more painful the experience, the more I learned, and the more profound the lessons. Even at my age, I chose to remarry and have children because, besides believing in love, it was an opportunity to have the Soul Contract fulfillment done that I hadn’t done well before. I called them my “homeworks”. As for the secular vision, I have long since left it behind. Nothing would affect my choice.

After getting married again, I naturally placed the family in the topmost position. I would accompany my family in almost everything, whether in my home country or the United States. Despite my wife having a driver’s license in both places, we would still be together to drop off and pick up our child from school, accompany them or my wife to doctor appointments, and I would take care of miscellaneous tasks like trimming flowers, mowing the lawn, building vegetable and chicken coops, repairing water, electricity, doors, windows, and so on. At present, my wife is capable of doing almost everything. She has learned most of the chores so that I can focus on my writing. She even learned about automatic sprinkler system nozzles and has no problem with tasks like trimming flowers, mowing the lawn, planting fruit trees and vegetables, and more. My wife is 100% supportive of what I am doing now.

Some perceptive readers might ask if I need to work and how I can handle so many things simultaneously. Yes, besides dedicating a considerable amount of time to writing, in preparation for building “ERIK ACADEMY”, “Talks” on Metaphysics, and “Interview” programs, I also have to earn a living to support my family and take care of household chores. I also make time for exercise to maintain my physical health. These fall under the topics of energy management or entropy reduction. Interested readers can click on “Spiritual Entropy” to learn more. In the future, if there is an opportunity, I will discuss and share them as special topics. That’s all for now.

Based on my circumstances and considering the advice of doctors and the Archangel Erik, I carefully evaluated various factors, including the ages and tolerance of my wife and children, the current and future financial situation of the family, and contingency measures in case something unexpected happens. Of course, I also discussed various possibilities with my wife.

I am fortunate to have married a virtuous and noble wife. To be honest, the term “virtuous and noble” doesn’t fully capture all her qualities. She always prioritizes our children and me. Therefore, whenever I make any major decisions, she never pressures me. Naturally, I also prioritize the family when considering anything. The result is evident: I chose the treatment plan recommended by two specialist doctors, which is a combination therapy consisting of radiation and hormone treatments.

When I shared my decision with the Archangel Erik, he was also delighted and provided me with 100% support and encouragement. He would appear by my side to protect me during surgery and radiation treatments. Words cannot express my gratitude.

Speaking of surgery, it wasn’t a prostate removal surgery but a minimally invasive procedure called TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate). Compared to open surgery, it usually shortens the hospital stay, reduces pain, and speeds up recovery time. I opted for this surgery before undergoing the combined treatment plan. It was One of the options I considered to address the urinary issues. Interested readers can click on “What is Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)? Its Pros and Cons?” to learn more.

The True Self is One’s Own “Savior”!

I, the author, emphasized that the True Self is One’s own “savior.” This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t believe in the advice of angels. On the contrary, One of the purposes of our practice is to be able to have direct dialogue with our guiding spirits. Please remember that angels do not interfere in our earthly lives and cannot violate the law of free will. This is especially true when it comes to significant matters such as “fate, destiny & karma“.

I prefer to believe that the advice given by Erik – to choose prostate removal – was indeed the best option for my personal well-being. At the same time, the Archangel also tested how I would choose between myself and my family. Since discovering my cancer diagnosis, my contact with the Archangel has become a lot more frequent, as mentioned earlier. We officially started planning the establishment of “ERIK ACADEMY” and began working on metaphysical talks and interview programs. Truly, the long-awaited next chapter of my life is beginning… life is truly indescribable!

I believe that One’s attitude towards life and death, as well as the choices made between oneself and family, is another test on the spiritual path. The results speak for themselves. Here, I further share with readers my insights on “serving others” versus “serving oneself.” It is this: the ultimate outcome of “serving others” is also “serving oneself.” In other words, benefiting others ultimately benefits oneself, and harming others harms oneself – it is an eternal truth in the universe! Learn more…>

Living in the present

Another concept worth sharing is “living in the present” – the past is already gone, and the future is actually built on the present. The decisions and energy we invest in the present determine our future. Many people habitually reminisce about past glories and worry about future destinies, naturally leading to not living in the present. Little do they know that the present is the foundation for shaping One’s future.


The treatment option I chose, “Prostate Cancer Combination Therapy (Radiation + Hormone Therapy),” involves undergoing both treatments simultaneously for a period of about two months. The radiation therapy alone requires forty sessions, Monday to Friday, with two days off. Within sixty minutes before each session, I must drink 32 ounces of water and cannot use the restroom…

For the convenience of readers, I have included my personal experiences, relevant surgeries, and important information related to my prostate cancer treatment. Interested individuals can click on the links provided at the end of this article to learn more. The details are omitted here.

Through sharing my personal experience of overcoming cancer, I hope to inspire readers and encourage them to find even the smallest lesson from my journey. If readers have any questions, feedback, or personal stories to share, please leave a comment at the bottom of this article.

Lastly, the doctor continues to provide me with updates and monitoring reports… So far, the results have been even more satisfactory than expected.

Love and Light,

MiLOVE | Completed on July 10, 2023, in Florida

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NEXT:  Unveiling the True Causes of Diabetes

RELATED: My Prostate Cancer Curing Journey | Prostate Biopsy Surgery | What Is Transurethral Resection of the Prostate? | Best Way to Cure Prostate Cancer? | What is Combination Prostate Cancer Therapy?

Catalyst | Revelation of Disease | Revelation of Suffering | Therapy and Rehabilitation | Lessons From Illness and Suffering | Natural & Man-made Disasters | Messiah to Redeem the World? | Not afraid of Death, but Blind | A Global Reset is Underway | 4th Density Alpha Earth