The Spiritual Path, is often described as a journey with distinct stages or phases that are not fixed or linear. Individuals may go through the stages in a different order or may revisit certain stages multiple times.

Discipline of the Personality, in this chapter refers to an entity who is going through the third stage of the path of spiritual exploration, the awakening stage, and is determined to start action and engage in some spiritual practices, such as meditation, etc., called “Personality training”. We believe that the road of spiritual exploration, strictly speaking, enlightenment is divided into seven stages:

Phase 1: Sense

This phase marks the beginning of the spiritual journey. It is often triggered by a deep sense of dissatisfaction with conventional ways of living or a longing for something more meaningful. Individuals may start questioning their beliefs, seeking answers to existential questions, and exploring different spiritual traditions or practices. Without action, this period can go on for a long period.

Phase 2: Awareness

It corresponds to the second Density of self-awareness. Examples include the phototropism of plants and the pecking order behavior of animals. individuals become more aware of their own existence and interaction with the surrounding environment. This can be shown by looking at social dynamics and the way people relate to each other.

Phase 3: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a conscious choice that favors positive and altruistic behavior. This stage is an important turning point. Individuals begin to realize the impact of their choices and behaviors on themselves and others and are more inclined to choose ways that benefit others and the whole.

Phase 4: Awakening

At this stage, a person may experience a sense of waking up from a dream. They solidify the experiences and directions of their previous awareness, awareness, and mindfulness. They cultivate the desire to seek truth and embark on a spiritual journey of self-exploration. At some point that a person will feel like waking up from a dream; after letting go, the feeling and direction of previous awareness, awareness, and mindfulness are strengthened. And brewing a spiritual journey of finding the truth and self-discovery.

Phase 5: Seeking

Seeking the truth, the spiritual journey of self-exploration is officially opened! A person begins to take serious action and try out some spiritual practices, such as meditation, joining a spiritual group or religious organization, etc., to affirm One’s beliefs and values. We call this practice the beginning of the “discipline of personality “. In this phase, individuals further dive into self-reflection, introspection, and self-inquiry, self-exploration. They may explore their own thoughts, emotions, and past experiences, seeking to understand their patterns, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. This phase involves a process of self-discovery and gaining insight into One’s true nature beyond the egoic self.

Phase 6: Practicing

A. Transcendence
This phase involves glimpses or experiences of spiritual awakening or transcendence, where individuals may have profound insights into the nature of reality, experience a sense of unity and interconnectedness, or have mystical experiences. These experiences can be transformative and provide a deepening understanding of One’s true nature.

B. Integration and Inner Work
After awakening experiences, individuals often go through a phase of integration and inner work. They may need to process and integrate the insights and experiences into their daily lives. This phase involves working through emotional healing, letting go of attachments and egoic patterns, and developing greater self-awareness and authenticity.

C. Service and Compassion
As individuals progress on the spiritual path, there is often a natural inclination towards service and compassion. This phase involves cultivating qualities such as empathy, love, and kindness, and expressing them through acts of service, helping others, or contributing to the well-being of the world.

D. Trust and Surrender
This phase involves surrendering to the flow of life and developing trust in the higher intelligence or divine. It requires letting go of the need for control, surrendering to the present moment, and embracing the unknown. It is about allowing life to unfold and trusting that there is a greater purpose and intelligence guiding the journey.

Phase 7: Enlightenment

Transcendence of Duality: In this phase, individuals may transcend the limitations of dualistic thinking and embrace a more holistic and inclusive perspective. They may recognize the interconnectedness and unity of all things, seeing beyond the illusions of separation and judgment.

Phase 8: Post-Enlightenment

Starting to dive into learning and practicing after enlightenment is for those who are enlightened in the form of epiphany. After enlightenment, the epiphany practitioner seeks to better serve others. He is formally cultivating in theory and practice;

Continue to practice after enlightenment is for those who are gradually enlightened. After the gradually enlightened person is enlightened, it is also to better serve others. Enlightened practitioners usually go for further study and polarization and formulate and implement their own service plans according to their actual situation.

Once enlightened, individuals can incorporate insights into their daily lives, embody compassion, and serve others. Some become teachers and share wisdom. They deepen understanding, live authentically, and embrace the present moment. Ongoing self-inquiry continues because enlightenment is a milestone, not a destination. Paths vary according to individual inclinations and values.

Discipline of the Personality

The term “Discipline of the Personality” here refers to an entity that has awakened or is determined to begin the cultivation of its personality. It involves transforming oneself into an individual who possesses qualities such as love, freedom, harmony, sincerity, kindness, conscience, self-respect, self-love, self-discipline, and higher consciousness. It is clear that the ultimate goal of personality cultivation is to continuously elevate One’s self-awareness to higher levels until it becomes infinite. Please learn more by clicking on the Discipline of the Personality.


The Discipline of Personality, provided by HUAXINSI, offers insights and guidance on cultivating One’s personal character in the journey of spiritual exploration. In this chapter, we emphasize the transformation of consciousness and the importance of personal practice in achieving Higher Self-awareness and inner growth.

However, it is important to note that the Discipline of Personality is a broad and individualized field, and different philosophies, religions, and spiritual traditions may have varying definitions and practices. Therefore, we address the additional points that can further complement the discussion:

Self-discipline and practice: The Discipline of Personality requires cultivating habits of self-discipline and practice. This includes consistent daily meditation, mind-body-spiritual exercises, ethical behavior, and positive self-reflection. Through consistent practice, individuals can gradually develop and strengthen noble character traits.

Integration of knowledge and action: The Discipline of Personality is not merely theoretical learning and contemplation, but more importantly, the application of learned moral values and wisdom in daily life. It is through the integration of knowledge and action that real change in character and lifestyle can occur.

Kindness towards others: An essential aspect of the Discipline of Personality is cultivating empathy, compassion, and care for others. By genuinely caring for and serving others, individuals can transcend personal desires and cultivate higher character and spiritual states.

Lifelong learning: The Discipline of Personality is a lifelong process. Individuals should maintain a humble and eager-to-learn mindset, continuously exploring and deepening their understanding. Through continuous learning, individuals can elevate their level of consciousness and character.

Inner growth: The goal of the Discipline of Personality goes beyond external behaviors and appearances; it is about profound transformation through inner growth and awakening. This requires dedicating time and energy to self-reflection, inner healing, and self-exploration.

In conclusion, the Discipline of Personality is a comprehensive process involving self-awareness, character development, and spiritual growth. Each individual can develop and tailor their own practices of the Discipline of Personality based on their beliefs and values. This journey is personal and requires continuous exploration, learning, and self-growth.

MiLOVE, Founder of HUAXINSI, envisioned a Multiverse where individuals could explore different dimensions of existence and embark on their own paths of spiritual growth. He believed that by integrating wisdom from various traditions and embracing the diversity of the Metaverse, individuals could expand their consciousness and experience a profound sense of interconnectedness.

MiLOVE shared profound insights and sharings on the Discipline of Personality. He encouraged individuals to embark on the transformative journey of self-discovery, cultivate noble character traits, and awaken to their true potential.

At HUAXINSI, we are committed to providing resources, guidance, and a supportive community for individuals on their path to the Discipline of Personality. Together, let us explore the depths of our being and cultivate the highest expressions of love, wisdom, and harmony.

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NEXT: The Xing Method

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