In this chapter, we dedicate our efforts to unraveling the Veil of Forgetting, its definition, and its purpose for the readers. As for how to unveil this Veil, it will be disclosed in the chapter of the Spiritual Path.

What is the Veil of Forgetting?

The Veil of Forgetting, also known as the “Veil of Mystery“, “Spiritual Amnesia“, “Spiritual Seal“, “Spiritual Shackles,” “Matrix Thinking”, or the folkloric concept of drinking the “Soup of Forgetfulness” (referring to a Chinese legend) and so on, is a mechanism specifically designed for third-Density planets. This mechanism ensures that all entities incarnating in third Density, such as on our planet Earth, forget their true identities and past experiences. This is necessary for the functioning of new individualized consciousness through the mechanism of the “Law of Freewill” or “Law of Confusion.” The Veil operates as a space/time phenomenon and is exclusive to third-Density planets, not manifesting in other times/spaces.

In reality, we are not born into this world by chance, nor do we simply return to dust after death. We are not merely physical bodies; we are spiritual beings who have chosen these physical bodies. Besides experiencing our current lives, we also possess past-life and multi-incarnational experiences, hoping to fulfill our current life’s lessons and continue evolving.

The Veil of Mystery or “Veil of Forgetting” is a stage or Density in the design of spiritual evolution by the Creator. Spiritual evolution consists of seven stages/phases, with the eighth stage being analogous to the eighth note in music, representing the first note in the next cycle of seven stages. If we consider the universe as a university of evolution, early education corresponds to an eight-year curriculum. Earth represents the third-grade class, and humanity is the third-grade students.

The so-called Veil is essentially the state in which we “forget” who we are and, consequently, the true purpose of being born into this third-Density world. In our modern education, there is no explicit teaching about the immortality of the soul after death. Therefore, most people believe that our birth is purely accidental or the result of probability. Even though our elite education does not teach us to compete and strive at all costs, or to relentlessly pursue success, it also rarely teaches us how to become morally upright individuals. Although religions formed over two thousand years ago played a significant role in moral education, they have, to a certain extent, been constrained by human factors and have failed to keep pace with the progress of time and human civilization.

Human awakening seems to rely solely on our natural behaviors. As a result, our bodies and minds, which evolved from the “law of the jungle,” manipulate our actions, and our eyes only perceive the surface phenomena of human society. Consequently, we easily fall into the illusion of “survival of the fittest” and regard it as the law of competition in life. The results are self-evident. As you can see, our present society is filled with negative influences – money, power, and physical transactions are no longer rare, while anger, conflict, murder, and suicide are commonplace. It is no wonder that extraterrestrial civilizations consider the Earth to be a planet that is still inclined towards negative and disharmonious vibrations. Please refer to the blog post “The Root of Human Social Problems” for more information.

Indeed, the above-mentioned phenomena are not difficult to understand because, within the mysterious Veil of creation, everyone is equal. It not only obscures the vision of the majority of ordinary citizens but also veils the eyes of most professors, scientists, and elites, including all old souls and cosmic wanderers.

Some people use graphics to describe the veil: a point is a zero-dimensional image; its multiple is two points, which are drawn into a line to form a One-dimensional image; their multiples are four points, forming a two-dimensional image; again, the multiple becomes eight points; then, draw them into a three-dimensional image; and so on, to produce four-dimensional, five-dimensional, six-dimensional and seven-dimensional images…etc. Humans living in third Density can only see three-dimensional images unless you lift the veil of mystery.

Most people have a limited understanding of graphics beyond 4D, so let’s take familiar examples of 2D and 3D. It is well known that 2D refers to a flat plane, while 3D represents a three-dimensional space. For instance, if you place the King card from a deck of playing cards on a table, in 2D it appears as a flat card with a human figure (the King) horizontally placed on the table. However, if it were in 3D, it would be a human figure (the King) standing in front of you or on your table. Now, if we consider 4D, 5D, 6D, and 7D graphics or shapes, you would be able to see their internal structure like the organs of a body. It would be like a completely transparent three-dimensional shape, visible from every angle without any blind spots. Although this explanation may not fully unveil the mystery or complexity of 4D, 5D, 6D, and 7D graphics, it provides some understanding. Please refer to the “Density and Dimension Comparison Chart” in the article “Cosmic Density” for further information.

Now, imagine the distinction between 2D and 3D graphics. Then, try to envision a world beyond four dimensions. Perhaps, you will comprehend why higher beings claim that humans have always lived in an illusion. We only perceive surface-level phenomena in the three-dimensional world and fail to see the essence of the universe. The realm of the universe extends beyond our three-dimensional world. Our spiritual evolution will transcend the confines of our planet, Earth, and venture into the multidimensional universe.

Our mind/body/Spirit Complex will not be confined to the physicality of the third-Density alone. It will gradually evolve from a physical body to a pure energy form until our mind/body/Spirit Complex merges with the Creator in the final Density before the creation of the planetary alliance. Then, according to the teachings of the planetary alliance, another journey of eight densities will begin.

Let it be known that the fourth Density is a harmonious world of love and understanding. The fifth-Density represents the evolution of the mind/body/Spirit Complex into a pure energy form and is the Density of light or wisdom. The sixth Density is the Density of unified consciousness, where love and wisdom merge. The seventh Density is the Density of the gateway, the final Density where the mind/body/Spirit Complex merges with the Creator. The eighth Density marks the beginning of another octave, and the journey continues once again.

Definition of The Veil

The veil is like a thin layer between the unconscious and the conscious. We describe it as a barrier or partition between physical consciousness and spiritual consciousness. Its connection to the mind (heart chakra) consciousness is significant. In other words, an entity incarnated in the third Density does not possess a true understanding of the essence of the universe and the nature of life until its heart chakra is opened.

The veil serves as the best mechanism or tool to test or examine the completion of a mind/body/Spirit Complex. The test questions are all related to “love.” We offer another metaphor, describing the veil as a special filter that only displays specific things, such as the material world. It allows you to experience and learn how to discern between the illusory world and the realm of true existence, thus finding the path to enter/return to true existence.

“Love” can be divided into “conditional love” and “unconditional love.” The barrier between conditional love and unconditional love is referred to by us as the partition between human “physical consciousness” and “spiritual consciousness.” Physical consciousness corresponds to the “lower three chakras,” while spiritual consciousness belongs to the “upper three chakras.” Consciousness can be further divided into unconsciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness, and spirit consciousness, or subconsciousness and super-consciousness. Learn more… >

If we use floors and stairs to describe the elevation of consciousness, we can assume that the first to third floors represent physical consciousness, the fourth floor represents the consciousness of the mind, and the fifth and sixth floors represent spiritual consciousness. There is a partition (barrier or transitional point) between the third and fourth floors. To move from the third floor to the fourth floor, we need to use the stairs. Refer to the description of channels.

At the top of the third floor, closest to the partition, is conditional love, with self-awareness on the second level and instinctual consciousness at the bottom level. Starting from the bottom of the fourth floor (above the partition), there is unconditional love. The barrier between conditional and unconditional love seems as thin as a veil. It appears to be easily pierced and passed through. However, in reality, crossing this thin layer is like breaking through an impenetrable barrier. The process of cognition, determination, and action between conditional and unconditional love is not something that can be achieved effortlessly by non-enlightened beings. RA describes the existence of light, a light that is difficult to transcend, between these two densities. Click on “Gateway” to learn more… >

The Body is the Veil

In simple terms, the human body itself is the Veil. A person consists of three complexes: the Body Complex, the Mind Complex, and the Spirit Complex. Therefore, human consciousness can be mainly divided into two parts: the Physical Consciousness (lower three centers) and the Spiritual Consciousness of the spirit (upper three centers). And they are bridged by the Mind Consciousness. Learn more…>

Humans’ collective consciousness belongs to the level of social relationship‘s consciousness (third Density) – this is the mystery of creation. Please refer to “Seven Chakras” and “The Consciousness” to learn more…>

To unveil the veil, One’s consciousness must traverse the “Gateway” between the “body consciousness” and the “spiritual consciousness” of the self – it is the watershed of consciousness between the third Density and 4th Density. In other words, it is the boundary between enlightenment and non-enlightenment. Learn more…>

Why is the Veil Necessary?

Because the Veil divides the psyche into “conscious” and “unconscious” parts. Its purpose is to add a thin Veil between the conscious and unconscious mind. As mentioned earlier, beneath the Veil, everyone is equal. No One knows the “secrets” of past lives, current life, afterlife, and future lives. In other words, the third-Density cycle is an important learning and experiential cycle, and all exams must be “closed-book exams” like the exams we had in elementary and middle school. This is the arrangement of creation. According to the revelations of the Confederation of Planets, evolution from the fourth Density onwards no longer requires the Veil. This means that entities truly evolving to the fourth Density will be able to perceive the past, present, and future. The exams of evolution will be conducted in an “open-book” format, similar to our doctoral dissertations, and “closed-book exams” will no longer be needed. The experience process of the mysterious Veil is a phase (third Density) of spiritual evolution and is a necessary arrangement.

Unconscious dreams are the best self-testing mechanism.

With this layer of the Veil, we are like wearing a special filter that filters out most of the true existence and only displays specific material aspects, such as our third-Density material world. The purpose is to allow our souls to experience and learn pre-set, love-centered subjects in this material environment. As a result, the majority of us naturally become focused on the “body” or the visual aspect of the material world when observing and judging everything we encounter in life, such as birth, aging, illness, death, separation, pain, and other catalysts. Thus, the Veil successfully fulfills its role and function of examination.

The Veil is the best mechanism or tool to examine the closed-book test results of a mind/body/Spirit Complex.

In other words, to graduate from the third Density and evolve to the fourth Density, it is necessary to uncover the secrets of the Veil. This enables us to understand the relationship between Cause and Effect or destiny, the purpose of the first transformation, second transformation, and third transformation created by the Creator of the universe, as well as how to use free will to change our own destiny and penetrate the arrangement of the Veil. Finally, we can achieve the ultimate goal of rapid evolution.

How to Unveil the Mysterious Veil?

For the average person, unveiling the mysterious veil may seem like an impossible mission. Throughout history, religions have made relentless efforts to teach their followers how to unveil this layer of the veil, and Buddhism is no exception. In the following chapters, we will attempt to compare some Buddhist concepts with the teachings of the Confederation of Planets in order to make it easier for Buddhist readers to understand the philosophy of the Confederation of Planets.

Finally, in the chapter on how to “Unveil the Veil,” we will provide a detailed explanation based on our own experiences and the teachings of the Planetary Alliance. We will focus on meditation, contemplation, and prayer as fundamental yet exceptionally important and practical exercises. We will guide readers to understand the construction, functioning, and manifestation of the “Seven Chakras” and elaborate on this theory. Additionally, we will touch upon some relevant Buddhist theories. The purpose is to facilitate the understanding of the teachings of the Confederation of Planets for those who are currently or have previously studied Buddhism.

Spiritual Amnesia vs. Closed-Book Exam

MiLOVE describes the veil as a “closed-book exam.” He believes that our Earth, like all third-Density planets with living beings in the universe, is not a natural occurrence but a result of the Creator’s creation. Its purpose is to allow spiritual beings incarnated here to learn and evolve into higher civilizations through special experiences. We can understand all third-Density planets as “charter schools” within the universal seven-level evolutionary education system. The special experience within this “charter school” is that all tests and exams are conducted in a “closed-book” format. Therefore, we refer to it as a “closed-book exam.”

Archangel Erik refers to the “Veil” as “spiritual amnesia.” I believe that its profoundness is comparable to RA’s “Mysterious Veil”.