Consciousness is the mother of creation.

Everything begins with consciousness, stands on consciousness.
And ultimately, everything is about consciousness!

Consciousness is love, the answer to all questions,

Consciousness creates everything!    


Ever since the day I made the decision to become a humble messenger of creation, I have continuously been blessed by the presence of guiding spirits and mentors. Under their enlightenment, I have learned knowledge that cannot be acquired solely from books, particularly in the realm of Metaphysics. From the themed articles of HUAXINSI to my own blog, you will find that these writings are not something I can independently create based solely on my imagination. Therefore, I express my gratitude to the guiding spirits for the inspiration they have bestowed upon me.

Through my own continuous contemplation and integration of the consciousness of love, a new form of consciousness gradually emerges within me. Since then, my way of thinking not only analyzes things from the perspective of an ordinary person but also naturally observes, perceives, and reflects on issues from a more macroscopic standpoint. It means simultaneously using both the metaphysical and physical approaches to understand the same thing.

In my view, the difference between consciousness and thought is as vast as the difference between heaven and earth, known as a world of difference. From a three-dimensional perspective, they are merely distinct from each other, just like the separation of up and down. However, when viewed from the cosmic perspective, the Earth is just One of countless planets that harbor life. The Earth is limited in size, while the heavens are infinite. Similarly, thoughts represent the intellectual state of an individual, reflecting their current level of intelligence, while consciousness represents the state of perception, experience, and the storage of experiences for all living beings. It represents the current level of evolution for a living being. The mind is quite delicate; it serves as a bridge between thought and spiritual consciousness. Learn more…>

In the following, I hope to share with readers the universal wisdom that everyone can gain from meditation.

What is Thought?

Thought or thoughtform is a human-specific mental process that occurs in the third Density. It primarily involves the transformation of sensory perception into rational thinking. It is the individual’s way of using all known knowledge, including scientific principles, logical reasoning, life experiences, and more, to analyze things and form personal thoughts and thinking patterns.

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness, conversely, encompasses the awareness or present state of mind of all living beings, including humans. It encompasses all perceptions, experiences, and memories stored in the deepest recesses of the mind and generated in resonance with the nervous sympathetic system. It guides spirituality, spiraling upward from the perception driven by the survival instinct to the pursuit of love awareness. Consciousness determines the current level of evolution for all life forms, including humans. It is the creative force behind the formation of everything.

For humans, consciousness is an innate ability of awareness or cognition. Consciousness is generated through the brain and the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, which perceive corresponding stimuli such as colors, sounds, scents, flavors, and sensations. In other words, for us born in the third Density, our consciousness is dominated by the sensory consciousness of our own bodily senses due to the veil effect. From a metaphysical perspective, bodily consciousness belongs to the “lower three centers of consciousness,” which are influenced by the first three chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus). Our consciousness tends to be more influenced by the body or the mind (referred to as “mundane consciousness” by the author) rather than the true spiritual or love consciousness unless your heart chakra is open. Learn more…>

The Essence of Consciousness and Thought

In essence, there are differences between consciousness and thought for human beings. Thought is a unique thought process specific to humans. It primarily involves the transformation of sensory cognition into rational thinking processes. On the other hand, consciousness refers to the awareness or current state of mind of all living beings, including humans. It encompasses all perceptions, experiences, and knowledge, including thoughts, stored in the deepest part of the mind and resonating with the nervous and sympathetic systems. On a macro level, consciousness guides the spiral ascent of spirituality from the perception of survival instincts to the pursuit of love and awareness. On a micro level, consciousness represents the current level of spiritual evolution for an entity.

Taking humans as an example, we are a composite entity of mind/body/spirit, a trinity of composite beings. Each group of composites is interconnected and highly complex. If you haven’t read my article “Why Do We Choose to be Human?”, “The Essence of Human Beings“, and “What is the Nature of the Soul?“, I encourage you to click and explore more.

Although I attempt to describe the relationship between thought and consciousness in a simpler manner, it is inevitable that I must use metaphysical concepts to help readers understand. “The visible is called form, while the invisible is called the Tao (Spiritual Path).” It means that the form can be seen, but the existence of the Tao, though unseen, is an undeniable fact. To ignore its existence would be like covering One’s ears and stealing a bell.

As stated previously, the consciousness of a mind-body-Spirit Complex is metaphysically divided into: body consciousness, mind consciousness, and spiritual consciousness.

Consciousness is the consciousness, including thinking, produced by connecting the left and right brain lobes through the heart. People who rely too much on the left brain or the right brain will stay away from polarization. Balance is the key! for example:

Example 1. When the consciousness of a mind-body-Spirit Complex is too dependent on the left brain lobe for long-term rational analysis, the person tends to be dominated by body consciousness entities.

Example 2: On the other hand, if another person relies solely on intuition or right-brain activities, he may also distance himself from polarization to a significant degree. Intuitive observation, too, possesses elusive characteristics.

Example 3: If an individual possesses both rationality and belief in their intuition, Adept at balancing the work and life of the left and right hemispheres, they tend to polarize themselves on the path of spiritual evolution.

Thought is the unique thought process specific to humans. It primarily refers to the human capacity for thinking and intellectual abilities. Consciousness, on the other hand, refers to the awareness or current psychological state of all living beings, including humans. It primarily denotes the level of consciousness or state of spiritual evolution for all life forms.

Through the examples provided above, it is hoped that readers can clearly distinguish the similarities and differences in meaning between “thought” and “consciousness“.

In extension, “Body Consciousness” primarily refers to thought or the physical manifestation of intellectual and logical thinking abilities. “Spirit Consciousness” primarily refers to non-physical consciousness on the spiritual level. These dimensions must be connected through “mind consciousness,” which serves as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. Only through the consciousness guided by “mind consciousness” or the consciousness driven by love can One establish a connection with “spirit consciousness,” reaching a heightened level of wisdom known as “spiritual consciousness.” It is evident that consciousness encompasses thought, while thought is merely a part of consciousness. This explains why someone who surpasses others in terms of thought, logic, and intellectual capabilities can be considered intelligent but not necessarily spiritually noble.

Worldview vs. Cosmic Perspective

When many people quote a worldview, they often confuse it with a cosmic perspective. It’s as if people confuse thinking ability with the level of consciousness. One is the three-dimensional concept; the other is the cosmic perspective, or God’s perspective. They are related but not equal. The so-called contradictions between them are superficially a matter of different opinions and perspectives, but in reality, they are an inevitable process of consciousness evolution, just like the relationship between intelligence and wisdom, facts and truth. They exist on different levels and cannot be debated. For those who have not yet read the article “Values, Outlook on Life, and Worldview“, click to learn more…>

Whether it is worldview vs. cosmic perspective or thought vs. consciousness, they not only represent the distinction between an individual’s physical and spiritual consciousness but also reflect a person’s state of consciousness and the level of spiritual evolution.

The Level of Thinking Ability Has No Direct Connection with the Level of Consciousness

Earth belongs to the third Density, a planet of Duality in spacetime. In the process of human spiritual evolution, One must go through the options of choosing and completing “service to others” or “service to self” in order to graduate. Service to others or service to self is the true manifestation of the level of consciousness and the necessary choice in spiritual evolution. If you haven’t read the article “Service and Polarization,” click here to learn more.

What I want to express is that a person’s intellectual or cognitive abilities are not directly related to their level of consciousness. They are not the same concept. Similarly, a person’s educational background, social status, skin color, or even beliefs are not directly related to their level of consciousness.

The simplest way to analyze the level of consciousness of a person is to look at the specific indicators of whether they lean towards “service to others” or “service to self”. The more a person tends to serve others, the higher their level of consciousness; conversely, the lower their level of consciousness if they lean towards serving themselves. If you observe globally, you will easily find that in various countries, there are many elites, politicians, and even heads of state in positions of power in fields such as politics, economy, academia, technology, education, and more. They often make what ordinary people consider “low-level mistakes”; their values are far below universal values, and their wisdom is much lower than that of ordinary people. The reason behind this is that most of these individuals are self-centered and have chosen to serve themselves as their life goal. This is a typical example of high IQ and low consciousness. Learn more…>

There is an important concept: “service to others” or “service to self” is a reflection of an individual’s free will choice. From a cosmic or divine perspective, there is no inherent good or bad, right or wrong in serving others or oneself. They are both parts created by the Creator, just like the concepts of day and night, north and south, up and down, left and right, black and white, big and small, yin and yang, male and female, and so on. All existence is valid. As long as it exists, it is a part of the One. Even if it is considered wrong, ugly, irrational, or shouldn’t exist by the world. The spiritual choice of serving oneself can also lead to graduation. The difference lies in the “criteria for graduation assessment.” For example, in a final closed-book exam with a score of 100, a positive polarity mind/body/Spirit Complex can graduate with a score of 51 or 51%, while a negative polarity must achieve a score of 95 or pass the exam with a percentage of 95%. Learn more…>

Consciousness can be measured by the vibrational frequency or the violet ray of light on the entity’s crown chakra. This is not something that ordinary people can discern, but rather it is judged by the Harvesters existing in the seventh Density. The article “Ended of a Journey” provides detailed explanations, which I won’t repeat here. Learn more…>

Because there is a veil of forgetting, it is normal for most of us to lack a consensus on consciousness and even experience “consciousness blindness.”

What is the Meaning of Living?

The meaning of being alive and the questions of who I am and the purpose of this life are often pondered by many people. Because each person’s level of consciousness is different, the goals they pursue naturally vary. Moreover, people may change their goals as their self-awareness evolves. However, regardless of our goals, the pursuit of success and social recognition is perhaps a common consensus accepted by all.

In the material world, a person’s success is often measured by their achievements or contributions to society. Outstanding individuals in various fields have become the standard by which a person’s excellence is judged. Such talented individuals are often rewarded with titles and positions. Over time, these standards have given rise to another reality: fame, status, and wealth have become labels for success or excellence in modern society.

In relative terms, evolution is the sole goal pursued by every entity in the spiritual realm. The measure of an entity’s evolution (higher or lower) depends on the level of its consciousness development. This can be discerned from the spectrum of colors and vibrational frequency of an entity’s crown chakra. The spectrum of colors and vibrational frequency of the crown chakra serve as the standards for measuring an entity’s evolution. Consciousness is love. Learn more…>

For the purpose of spiritual evolution, the Creator has created seven levels of evolution in the universe, each called a Density. Each Density has its own purpose of evolution and the lessons to be completed. Each Density represents its position in the universe and also represents the degree of life’s evolution in that position. Currently, humanity is in the transition from the third Density to the fourth Density in the process of Earth’s Density shift. Learn more…>

From a metaphysical perspective, thought is a product of the mind, while spiritual consciousness is a product of the heart. Consciousness is driven by love.

Most people have a fundamental misconception about consciousness. It is commonly believed that consciousness is a person’s thinking. In fact, it is the opposite: thinking is a part of consciousness. Due to the presence of the veil, it is not surprising that we are naturally “consciousness blind.”

If we use an example to illustrate, it may help readers to have a better understanding of the relationship and distinction between people, consciousness, and soul:

  1. When a person is in a normal state, he is a mind/body/Spirit Complex;
  2. When a person “dies”, he remains “he”, but transforms into a genderless mind/Spirit Complex – soul;
  3. His soul, which is a complex of mind and spirit, immediately leaves the person’s body. He will be guided by the ray of love or his guide to staying in the space related to his level of consciousness; after that, he will be arranged for soul regression; then, depending on his state, he will decide whether he needs to be a spiritual Healing, training or Reincarnation…etc.

Have you ever noticed that the physical part of a person, the mind, dies with the body, while the spiritual part, the mind, lives on and becomes part of the soul?

Readers who haven’t read the author’s “Soul Contract” and “law of karma” about birth, death, retrospective, and recovery experience…, please click to learn more…>

Levels of Consciousness Correlate with Density

The level of consciousness of a soul determines its “home.” You can think of this “home” as a plane, a realm or space/time or time/space. If you view consciousness as a set of highly complex data, the soul is the “data packet” that encapsulates consciousness. This packet of consciousness can only traverse dimensions that resonate with its vibrational frequency. For example, if someone was an Incarnation of an angel in their previous life, such as Gautama Buddha or Jesus Christ, when they leave their physical body, they will quickly return to their original home, say the 5th and 6th realms. My spirit guide, Erik, although he died by suicide, did not face punishment. After a brief period of soul review and healing, he quickly returned to the space of the sixth Density and became One of the few beings who had previously incarnated on Earth and eventually became a grand angel. I have benefited greatly from his guidance. Learn more…>

Taking Erik as an example, he can traverse dimensions up to and including the sixth Density. He explains that as consciousness traverses higher densities, the “data packet” undergoes changes according to the Density of different spaces. The material of the soul, this “data packet,” is neutrinos, which are known to humanity and can only traverse spaces of the first through third densities. The material of the “data packet” that can traverse higher densities is still unknown to us humans. Whether the soul continues to be called a “soul” beyond the third Density is worth considering. From this perspective, you can think of a person as a mobile phone, and consciousness as the software operating system (OS) of the phone. The software can be transmitted in the form of a data packet through wired and wireless means. As the operating system upgrades, the phone also needs to be updated. The same software operating system can be applied to different brands of phones.

The existence of consciousness represents the existence of life. Different entities have different cognitive and perceptual abilities, which means they have different levels of consciousness. From the perspective of cosmic evolution, consciousness, and Density are related, and they both exist on different levels. Consciousness is also divided into seven major levels, with each level containing seven sub-levels of consciousness, and each sub-level further containing sub-sub-levels… ad infinitum. Additionally, there are positive and negative densities between the second and sixth-and-a-half densities. Learn more…>

The collective consciousness of humanity belongs to the third level of consciousness, which is the consciousness of social relationships. Learn more…>


Question: How is the difference between consciousness and thinking manifested in the real world?

Answer: The main difference between them lies in the distinction between spirituality and materiality. Individuals with higher consciousness tend to focus on how to better serve others, while those with lower consciousness primarily think about serving themselves. When a society emphasizes materialistic outcomes, it often neglects the spiritual aspect. This is evident globally in issues related to wealth, power, politics, drugs, media, technology, education, and religion. If you haven’t read my writings on “Human Social Issues and Root Causes,” please click here to learn more.

High-level thinking does not necessarily equate to high consciousness. Similarly, it does not necessarily indicate low consciousness. While there is a correlation between consciousness and thinking, they are not necessarily directly connected. Balance is crucial, and it is imperative to elevate people’s spiritual consciousness. Learn more…>

Question: How many levels of consciousness exist, and how is human consciousness divided?

Answer: Consciousness is divided into seven levels, with each level further subdivided into seven sub-levels. The eighth level of consciousness is the divine consciousness, akin to the eight musical notes, which serves as the first scale for the next set of seven notes, continuing infinitely. Learn more…>

As humans reside on Earth, a third-Density planet in the evolutionary process of the universe, our general consciousness is classified as belonging to the third level of consciousness. Earth is a material world, and our general consciousness is influenced by the veil, which connects our brain and senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body) to perceive colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, etc. In other words, we tend to believe or accept only those things that our senses can perceive. Human consciousness is categorized as social relationship consciousness, and it can be further divided into seven sub-consciousness levels: 1) survival and instinct, 2) self-awareness, 3) social relationships, 4) universal values, 5) True Self, 6) compassion and care, and 7) love and understanding. Learn more…>

Question: Do animals, plants, and stones have consciousness?

Answer: All things in the universe possess consciousness and awareness. This is true even for the grass you walk on, which can sense your presence. The air you breathe also possesses consciousness as it perceives qualities such as heat, cold, dryness, and humidity. Although basic things may appear soulless and devoid of sensation to most people, in reality, all things possess a degree of life, which is their awareness. Awareness is a level within consciousness.

“Awareness” is also understood as “consciousness.” On Earth alone, there are numerous species, some of which may have more complex life energy. They require sustenance, reproduction, and grow. This is where the “self” resides within the “awareness” of the “self.” Erik points out that rocks and similar objects possess only a primitive, unconscious consciousness. Earth hosts a variety of life forces, yet for a long time, we have pretended to be the sole life force. Different levels of awareness or consciousness correspond to the first Density’s survival and instinct consciousness, the second Density’s self-consciousness, the third Density’s social relationship consciousness, and the fourth Density’s love and understanding consciousness. Learn more…>

Question: What are the members of the consciousness family, and how do they function?

Answer: The members of the consciousness family are numerous and include, but are not limited to, conscious, subconscious, unconscious, superconsciousness, etc. They can be further divided into upper consciousness, lower consciousness, body consciousness, mental consciousness, spiritual consciousness, individual consciousness, collective consciousness, awareness, consciousness, awakening, enlightenment, ego, Higher Self, planetary consciousness, South Pole, North Pole, Buddha, Creator, and various other forms of consciousness. Thinking is also a part of consciousness. Please read blog post above.

Question: What are the members of the thinking family, and how do they function?

Answer: The members of the thinking family are also numerous and include, but are not limited to, types of thinking, forms of thinking, thinking styles, thinking techniques, and so on. The scope is extensive and covers various aspects. Learn more…>

Question: What is Kundalini, and how does it work?

Answer: Kundalini, metaphorically depicted as a serpent coiled and summoned to ascend, refers to the various colors in the seven chakras, symbolizing the octave musical analogy of the evolution of Density and purpose in the seven chakras. Through meditation, we breathe and imagine, continuously pushing upward along the energy centers, reaching the meeting point of inner and outer essence. There are two methods used to approach the next goal. Consciousness is understood as awareness and the desire for knowledge, driving the energy and force from negative to positive, ascending. The catalyst, on the other hand, is the positive energy flowing from above to below. Learn more…>

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NEXT: Values, Outlook on Life and Worldview

RELATED: Family of Intellectual Thinking | Family of Consciousness | Consciousness and Thoughts

The Essense of Human Beings | Why Do We Choose to be Human? | What is the Nature of the Soul? | Soul, Consciousness & Chakras | Mind and Consciousness | The Universe | Soul Contract | God’s Perspective