The “Law of Attraction” is a very important law in the creation of the universe. The Law of Attraction mainly refers to a law or rule that related energies in the universe attract each other. This law not only affects the movement of stars and planets in the universe but also affects the thinking and behavior of people.

Like Attracts Like

The “Law of Attraction” shows us how to create the things that appear in our lives, events, and our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions generate energy which in turn attracts energy of similar vibrational frequencies. Negative energy attracts negative energy, and positive energy attracts positive energy. The so-called: things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.

Like-minded Together

Like substances come together; like-minded people likewise attract each other.

Consciousness is Everything

The so-called like-minded refers to people with similar consciousness or similar Vibration Frequency. Consciousness can be divided into body consciousness, mind consciousness, and spiritual consciousness.

  • Body Consciousness: Red Root Chakra/Instinct, Orange Sacral Chakra/Ego, and Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra/Social Relationships;
  • Mind Consciousness: Green Heart Chakra/Love & Understanding, or the Awareness of Unconditional Love;
  • Spiritual Consciousness: Blue Throat Chakra/Free Communication Consciousness; and Indigo Third-eye Chakra/Linked to Infinite Intelligent Energy.

In short, there are levels of consciousness. Relatively speaking, Body Consciousness is Ego Consciousness; Mind Consciousness is Self-Consciousness; Spiritual Consciousness is Love and Light (Wisdom) Consciousness. Consciousness is energy, is love. Learn more …>

With a deep understanding of consciousness, you naturally have a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction, and vice versa.

Law of Attraction Practice

Implementing the Law of Attraction becomes relatively easy if you have a solid understanding of the above philosophy. Otherwise, the law of attraction is just a word to most people.

  • Consciousness (the level of consciousness, that is, the level of Vibration Frequency) determines an individual’s position in the universe, that is, destiny. An individual, a collective, a country, a planet, a galaxy, and even a universe can be understood as an individual.
  • Keep in mind the most basic law of the universe that “things of a feather flock together and people divide into groups” – Like Attracts Like.
  • Both “things” and “people” are energy bodies. Everything in the universe is energy.

In Conclusion

The Law of Attraction is One of the most important laws of how the universe works. It applies to all things and life in the universe.

Next Chapter: Law of Karma

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