Prostate cancer combination therapy refers to the simultaneous use of radiation therapy and hormone treatment for the management of prostate cancer. It is a commonly employed approach for treating localized or locally advanced prostate cancer.

Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy X-rays or other forms of radiation to destroy cancer cells and prevent their growth. It can be delivered externally using a machine called a linear accelerator (external beam radiation therapy) or internally through the placement of radioactive sources directly into the prostate gland (brachytherapy). The aim is to target and kill cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy surrounding tissues.

Hormone treatment, also known as androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), aims to reduce the levels of male hormones (androgens) in the body, particularly testosterone. Prostate cancer cells typically rely on androgens to grow and survive, so by reducing androgen levels, hormone treatment can slow down or shrink the cancer.

The combination of radiation therapy and hormone treatment can be more effective than using either treatment alone. Radiation therapy targets and kills cancer cells directly, while hormone treatment helps to sensitize the cancer cells to the radiation, making them more susceptible to its effects.

The duration of prostate cancer combination therapy can vary depending on several factors, including the stage and aggressiveness of the cancer, the treatment plan prescribed by the medical team, and individual patient factors. Typically, combination therapy is delivered over several weeks or months.

External beam radiation therapy is usually administered in daily sessions, typically five days a week, for a total of approximately 6 to 9 weeks. Each session lasts only a few minutes, and the treatment is non-invasive. Brachytherapy involves a One-time procedure where radioactive seeds or sources are implanted directly into the prostate gland, eliminating the need for daily treatment sessions.

Hormone treatment is often given before, during, or after radiation therapy. It can be administered through injections, oral medications, or surgical removal of the testicles (orchidectomy). The duration of hormone treatment can vary but is commonly given for a period of several months to years, depending on the individual case.

It’s important to note that the specific details of prostate cancer combination therapy, including the treatment duration, will be determined by the medical team based on the individual patient’s condition and response to treatment.

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