The Infinite Creator, in order to experience itself, created an infinite universe. And for spiritual evolution, the Creator created eight densities within the infinite universe. The Earth, where we coexist, belongs to the third Density among the eight densities in the universe.

In the year 2012, Earth completed a 75,000-year cycle and is currently in the process of transitioning to the fourth Density. The civilization of humanity, as we know it, will come to an end after this Density Transition is complete. Learn more…>

The most glorious civilization of humanity existed during the time of Atlantis, which occurred between 35,000 and 15,000 years ago. It is said that during the legendary period of Atlantis, humanity entered into the fifth universal element (fourth Density) civilization. However, as the Vibration Frequency of our planet decreased, Earth transitioned from the fifth universal element to the fourth universal element and eventually descended to the third universal element, which is our current third Density. The descent from the fifth universal element to 3D took approximately One thousand years to complete, about 13,000 years ago. If readers are still unfamiliar with densities and universal elements, please click here to learn more…>

For humans, a fourth-Density planet is like a heavenly place. You can understand it in this way: for every civilization, the next Density is its own paradise because the things in the next Density are closest to their own realm of understanding. However, civilizations in higher densities surpass their imaginations. For example, beings in the fifth Density still possess a “material” body, but for humans, this “material” body is already close to light. The life forms that exist in this “material” and their experience of time and space greatly transcend our current understanding. Their way of reproduction is also completely incomprehensible to humans. If you haven’t read the HUAXINSI’s articles on “End of a Journey“, you may click here to learn more…>

Below, the author shares their understanding of Alpha Earth, the upcoming new civilization, and some interesting places where they will live.

What Does Alpha Earth Represent?

Alpha, represented by α, is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It symbolizes the first, the beginning, the initial, and so on. Alpha Earth signifies the birth of the A Generation or the Alpha Planet.

It is said that the previous generations of humans were named by extraterrestrial civilizations as the X, Y, and Z Generations. Generations Y and Z were the first to introduce new open-minded ways of thinking and were responsible for the revival of liberalism in society. Now, we are returning to the first letter of the alphabet. The A Generation will not only elevate human consciousness to higher levels but also give birth to a large amount of active DNA, both in biological and spiritual form. At that time, the souls with spiritual wisdom will directly incarnate into the fourth Density, and the new generation will possess fully matured consciousness and abilities that have never been seen in our world since the time of Atlantis. The Golden Age of Alpha Earth begins with the arrival of these spiritual beings…

Humanity is preparing to embrace the fourth Density, which corresponds to the arrival of the fifth universal element. This will mark the advent of the Golden Age of Alpha Earth!

The year 2020 marked the birth of the A Generation or Alpha. Since 2020, people have been noticeably experiencing darkness before dawn. This darkness can be described as a period of natural and human disasters, which will continue until at least 2025 and no later than 2027.

The Main Difference Between Third-Density and Fourth-Density Earth?

As mentioned in the article “Multidimensional Space-Time,” the universe is structured in layers, and different levels of consciousness are divided into different realms of reality based on their frequencies. Currently, there are eight densities in the universe and twelve levels of evolution. The twelve levels of evolution are referred to as the twelve metaverses. For readers who haven’t read the articles “Multidimensional Space-Time” and “The Mysteries of the Universe and the Mundane World,” please click here to learn more.

Once the Earth completes its Density Transition, the Earth’s magnetic field will deviate by approximately 20 degrees compared to its current state to match the vibrational frequency of a fourth-Density planet. This change in vibrational frequency is specifically designed to accommodate the existence of “love and understanding consciousness.” Due to this incompatibility, our current third-Density magnetic field on Earth will cease to function. Souls that are not compatible with this new vibrational frequency, meaning those who are not ready to graduate, will be arranged to incarnate on another third-Density planet within the solar system or in close proximity to it, to continue their studies until graduation. Positive entities eligible for harvesting will remain on this planet (but not in the same Dimension or plane) for advancement in their learning and experiences in fourth Density. Negative entities eligible for harvesting will be transferred to another fourth-Density (negative-oriented) planet. Learn more…

Fourth Density Cities and Building Appearance Features

The appearance of cities and buildings in the fourth Density is expected to differ from what we currently have on Earth. The design of our cities and buildings on Earth is largely influenced by our human politics, economy, and the structure of a predominantly male or intellect-driven society. Have you ever noticed that most houses and buildings on Earth are primarily square, rectangular, or box-like in shape? They appear like boxes, reflecting the manifestation of a society dominated by masculinity or intellectualism—a design concept derived from patriarchal systems.

However, it is understood that during the time of Atlantis, architecture showcased more spirals and spheres. There was a strong emphasis on artistic lighting and ambiance, reflecting a more feminine or heart-centered reality. As we look to the future, we can envision that future city architecture will be more diverse. Buildings on Alpha Earth, for example, might draw artistic inspiration from fantasy paintings, with lands adorned in dream-like colors and structures presenting captivating castles of various shapes and sizes.

In other words, as Earth enters the Alpha era, human society will no longer be dominated by a structure driven by masculinity or intellect. This structure and the associated concepts will undergo a profound transformation, giving rise to a society characterized by balance, harmony, and heightened spiritual wisdom.

What Important Changes Will Happen to the Human Beings Who Enter the Fourth Density?

Before delving further into the content, let’s first understand how the human species evolved on Earth. It is said that approximately 300,000 years ago, an extraterrestrial race known as the “Anunnaki” arrived on Earth. Their arrival fundamentally altered the existing indigenous human races and initiated the first wave of humanity on Earth. By blending their own DNA and genetic material with the native races, they effectively endowed the indigenous human population with a multitude of physical characteristics, advantages, and abilities. One notable aspect of Anunnaki’s genetics is their powerful immune system. The Anunnaki are essentially immune to all known human diseases. They were biological engineers and utilized their advanced skills to enhance the immune systems of the indigenous human races to their optimal condition. Humans today still carry these genetic programs.

As more and more DNA activations occur within this window known as the Splitting Time Prism, our human immune systems will become more akin to the Anunnaki immune system functionality.

Once we cross the threshold into the fourth Density, we will find that any physical ailments, illnesses, disabilities, and functional impairments that afflict our bodies will suddenly disappear. Our bodies will transform into shimmering crystalline structures, embodying perfect health and vitality in the blink of an eye. This moment of upliftment is One of the reasons why many cosmic wanderers choose to incarnate on Earth at this time, apart from assisting in the spiritual elevation of humanity. The exhilaration of witnessing the rapid transition from the dark ages of third-Density reality to the golden age reality of fourth-Density is a tremendous source of spiritual excitement. The current population of Earth, with its seven billion people, is beginning to reflect this.

The concept of timelines is only relevant to linear time. Due to the heightened focus of our consciousness, it appears as though we are experiencing reality only at any given specific time. In the fourth-Density realm where we reside, time is mostly linear as well. However, to some extent, we are able to perceive time from a multidimensional perspective.

The fourth Density is a harmonious society. Power and superior experiences are sought after by many souls throughout the multidimensional universe, especially on planets vibrating at the frequency of the third-Density, such as Earth. However, in the environment of the fourth Density, all individuals, out of love and playfulness, willingly grant each other these experiences, taking turns playing the roles of both superior and subordinate.

Living Environment, Transportation, Communication, Lifestyle, Basic Necessities of Life?

In the fourth Density, the population will be more than half of what it is now. There won’t be churches, and most people will choose to live closer to nature. Transportation will be more advanced. Although technology will be more advanced, the lifestyle of fourth-Density entities will be a return to simplicity, closer to nature, and with the ability to communicate with animals, plants, and trees.

Fourth Density entities also require food. However, due to the different physiological vehicles and chemical principles compared to the third Density, even though they may appear similar on the outside, their intake of food and nutrition will be different.

Beings in the fourth Density have the desire to serve. As there is increased communication between entities and living food, food preparation becomes extremely simple. Therefore, this is not a significant catalyst but rather a simple prerequisite for the space/time experience. The catalyst involved here is the need to consume food. “Eating” becomes irrelevant for fourth-Density entities. Thus, what they assist with is teaching/learning patience. To consume food, they must temporarily cease their function of serving others, and this period of time is sufficient to trigger patience.

It is worth noting that, unlike the third Density, individuals in the fourth Density are no longer bound by veils, and everyone understands that elevating spiritual consciousness is the primary goal. Therefore, most people will choose to live in places closer to nature, and living in cities will no longer be the primary choice.

Transportation will be much more advanced than the current third-Density transportation. With the problems of energy, technology, and the burden of heavy work effectively resolved, people will not only be able to travel globally with ease but also engage in interstellar travel effortlessly.

In addition to the invention of more advanced communication tools, people will be able to communicate using telepathy. Communication between individuals and extraterrestrial civilizations will become more convenient and direct. People will no longer waste a significant amount of time on meaningless pastimes as they do now but rather spend more time learning and experiencing things and lifestyles related to spiritual growth.

Human Appearance, Gender, Sexual Relations and Death

In the fourth Density, everything about humanity, including self-identity and values, will undergo significant changes. We will no longer strive to embody the ideal male or female traits, and there will be a departure from homogeneity. Each individual will become ideal in their own unique way.

Regarding aesthetics, we will all become beautiful and attractive, but not in the way most people currently assume. At present, we tend to perceive only certain facial and body proportions as beautiful. In the fourth Density, as more DNA is activated, our perception and standards of beauty will expand. So, if we were to carefully examine ourselves in the mirror and consider the shape of our nose, which may shock us, from the perspective of the fourth Density, we would find that the same nose suddenly appears flawless and perfect. We can imagine ourselves as currently limited or disregarded in terms of beauty. The strict limitations we have for registering physical beauty will fade away as our senses expand, allowing us to discover beauty in things we had never noticed before. Ultimately, everyone will be seen as attractive, and no One will be deprived of emotion, intimacy, or love.

Physical Aspect

In the fourth Density, there will be profound transformations in every aspect of humanity, including our self-identity and values. We will no longer strive to conform to the ideal traits of masculinity or femininity, and uniformity will give way to diversity. Each individual will become ideal in their own unique way.

When it comes to aesthetics, we will all become beautiful and attractive, but not in the conventional sense that most people currently assume. Presently, our perception of beauty is often limited to specific facial and body features. However, in the fourth Density, as more DNA is activated, our understanding and standards of beauty will expand. If we were to carefully observe ourselves in the mirror and contemplate the shape of our nose, which might currently surprise us, from the perspective of the fourth Density, we would discover that the same nose suddenly appears flawless and perfect. We can envision ourselves as being limited or overlooked in terms of beauty in our current state. The strict limitations we impose on physical beauty will fade away as our senses expand, enabling us to perceive the beauty in things we previously overlooked. Ultimately, everyone will be regarded as attractive, and no One will be deprived of emotion, intimacy, or love.

Spiritual Aspect

Time ceases to exist on a multidimensional level because, returning to the magnifying glass analogy, we can see that everything exists simultaneously, and we can be present everywhere instantaneously. As we climb the ladder of the three-dimensional world, we become more like spirits in the natural realm. In the reality of the fourth Density, our perception of space and time will be different. Overall, we will find that time is more flexible and not rigidly fixed. Over time, we will develop conscious abilities to move slightly forward or backward in time. For example, if you were running 15 minutes late for a date, despite encountering any obstacles, you may find yourself arriving on time. Or if you thought you were arriving too early for a party, you may discover that you arrived exactly when you intended. In some sense, time will adhere to our intentions more firmly than in the current 3D reality. Time operates with greater Synchronicity in the fourth Density.

Telepathy is a completely new mode of communication. When our species becomes telepathic, we will discover new ways of interacting and exchanging information. There will be playful, flirtatious, loud, quiet, and humorous forms of telepathic communication. For example, in the fourth Density, during moments of rest or “downtime,” we may attempt to entertain each other through acts of deception. A basic example could be verbally telling someone to turn left while telepathically directing them to go right. We find it amusing to create this confusion. Another example might involve a person emitting a telepathic signal, attempting to convince others that they are an animal, a chair, or a woman. We constantly engage in this kind of deception and teasing. As we become more telepathic, you will discover exciting new ways of communication.

Sex and Sexuality

As humans in the third Density, we must wait until the completion of an entire lifecycle and the next cycle of Reincarnation to have the possibility of switching genders between male and female. However, in the fourth Density, most of us will have the ability to change our gender identity freely. In worlds of other dimensions, some individuals can instantaneously transform from male to female and become the next gender in a matter of seconds. In certain cases, male expressions may be more appropriate at times, while female expressions may be more suitable in other situations.

On higher levels, it is even common for life to alternate between male and female physical forms in the blink of an eye. While humans currently have the opportunity to experience being of the opposite sex in a single lifetime, some beings intermittently change their gender thousands of times within a single Incarnation. They are not limited to One polarity and can freely switch back and forth fluidly. As we enter the fourth Density, we will all gain this ability.

In the time of Atlantis, sex was based on mutual pleasure. The Atlanteans practiced “free love,” a diverse lifestyle that allowed individuals to engage in mating with many partners without judgment or jealousy. While marriage was still common, open marriages were the norm. Humans expressed love and attraction without cultural restrictions limited to One partner or gender. Because the Atlanteans were telepathic, sex was not solely about physical pleasure and procreation; it also involved the exchange of psychological information and soul communication.

In the Alpha Earth era of the fourth Density, the patriarchy will be discarded, and men and women will be treated equally. We will find ourselves attracted to body types, personalities, identities, and lifestyles that we may not have desired before. You will not lose your current sexual desires; instead, you will experience an expansion, broadening what you find attractive. We will begin to fall in love with people we previously would not have loved, and people who never loved themselves will suddenly start loving themselves. We are returning to the sexual behaviors of the Atlantis era, where we can love most people, not just a few.

In most countries on Earth, there are relatively strict laws governing monogamous relationships. However, in the broader universe, there are positive social practices of monogamy. In the fourth Density, there are also many planetary members who engage in monogamous relationships. But this is a choice of free will, and if monogamy is the sincerest desire in people’s hearts, rest assured that it will still have a place in the new Golden Age. However, as more and more people awaken and embrace the upcoming free love movement, you may find yourself in a romantic utopia where love and relationships are more abundant than ever before, and this may be very enticing.


When the majority of people in the world die, they often experience fear and confusion. As the soul departs from the body, it can feel disoriented and lost. This confusion makes the soul susceptible to manipulation by dark forces. Most people do not recall they’re true identity, reunite with their Oversoul or Higher Self, or transition to more positive realms. Instead, they find themselves reincarnating on Earth, facing challenges once again. While some individuals may choose paths of power and liberation, the majority of our earthly incarnations are characterized by mediocrity or feelings of inferiority. The soul remains unaware of its existence after death. The veil or amnesia is a mechanism that keeps human souls trapped on this planet.

However, in the fourth Density, death is akin to changing vehicles during exploration or journey. There is only anticipation and no longer a sense of panic.

The author predicts that by 2027, most humans will have some form of spiritual connection. As our third eye opens, we will begin to realize the existence of the spiritual realm, which a few individuals have already achieved. Channeling will become more common in the coming years. After 2027, skepticism will become outdated, and the fear of death will greatly diminish.

Fourth Density Experience Cycle and Human Lifespan

The Experience Cycle refers to the beginning and end of each civilization of humanity. For example, the previous civilization of humanity was the Atlantean era. The lifecycle, on the other hand, refers to the lifespan of humans during each Experience Cycle.

Experience Cycle and Lifecycle:

The Experience Cycle for humanity on Earth is three cycles of 25,000 years, totaling 75,000 years. We are currently undergoing the third Experience Cycle… According to a United Nations survey in 2019, the average life expectancy of humans is estimated to be around 72.6 years.

At the end of the second cycle on Earth (approximately 25,000 years ago), the average lifespan of humans was said to be 900 years. The population at that time was only around 345,000 people.

In the fourth-Density Experience Cycle, from the perspective of our Earth’s concept of time, it is approximately 30 million years. Our lifespan, or lifecycle, will be around 90,000 years (again, from the perspective of our Earth’s concept of time).

How Long Does the Earth’s Density Transition Period Take?

According to RA, the length of the Earth’s Density Transition period can range from 100 to 700 years, depending on the progress of human consciousness at that time. RA communicated this information through channeling in the 1980s. Learn more…>

The Pleiadian civilization believes that, based on the current progress of collective human consciousness, humans may not need to wait for several hundred years to fully transition to a fourth-Density planet. Whether it is so or not, the author will confirm further through interviews with higher beings in the talk show.

What Will Happen to the World Before Crossing the Threshold of Fourth Density?

Natural disasters and human calamities will be the themes before transitioning to the fourth Density. Eventually, there will be a turn for the better, just like the coming of spring, but we must go through a harsh winter. The author will reveal these details One by One in the program “Prediction” so please pay attention to the broadcast schedule. Learn more…>


It’s important to approach these concepts with an open mind, as they may diverge from conventional scientific or mainstream perspectives.

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