In the previous article, “Multiverse”, the author discusses the notion of contemplating the essence of the world and the reality of life when it comes to sharing with others. It is felt that once the essence of the world is touched upon, it is also necessary to understand the essence and truth of the universe… Readers may immediately associate this with the fact that scientists’ understanding of the universe is still superficial. Can ordinary people, who are not experts in physics, be smarter than scientists?

The author has also the belief that ordinary people cannot surpass scientists. However, at the same time, the author has also questioned whether most of our scientists, like ordinary people, are limited by the three-dimensional perspective of the material world. Is it possible that they have set aside things that could not be proven?

Three-Dimensional Vision

I have noticed that throughout history, many sages have observed the universe beyond the confines of three-dimensional vision. In addition to scientists such as Newton, Einstein, and Tesla, there are also figures like Fuxi, Laozi, Siddhartha Gautama, Plato, and Aristotle… These numerous thinkers, independently from One another, have looked up at the sky, then down at themselves, and realized the mysteries between heaven, earth, and mankind, each making their own contributions. The author had a sudden idea: Can I understand the universe and all things by viewing them from the perspective of the non-material world?

Driven by the thirst for knowledge, I finally took action and made up my mind to search for these mysteries… Following this line of thinking, I attempted to find clues through meditation… As expected, my guiding spirits and mentors intervened at the opportune moments.

As mentioned in the blog posts “About MiLOVE” and “Who am I?” my mentors communicate with me through Synchronicity and channeling at the most appropriate times, delivering relevant information… If you haven’t read those articles yet, please click the links above to learn more…>

As a result, I started to delve into the “Law of One” and the information from the Pleiadian civilization in the fourth Density. They have provided answers to many doubts that had been accumulated in my mind for a long time. For any remaining questions, I would engage in meditation, transitioning from tranquility to contemplation… At the right moment, the necessary answers would naturally arise in my mind.

Perhaps some readers may wonder how I discern the authenticity of this information. In fact, it is simple but crucial. Every object, everything, has its specific vibrational frequency. Consciousness is no exception. The so-called elevation of One’s consciousness is essentially raising One’s vibrational frequency. As long as you utilize your own consciousness to “scan” the things you need to discern, it is difficult for true and false to escape the scrutiny of an “expert,” or rather, our third eye. You can perceive this “expert” as an enlightened person. Learn more…>

Gateway to Infinite Intelligent Energy

The greatest characteristic of enlightenment is that your consciousness can traverse the gateway of “Infinite Intelligent Energy.” Once the green light is connected, you gain the ability to enter the blue light. In other words, when a person raises their vibrational frequency to a certain level, they not only acquire the ability to observe and discern things but also possess the ability to channel. Learn more…>

Every One of us can attain enlightenment and become an “expert.” An “expert” is no different from an ordinary person; an “expert” is an ordinary person. The only difference is that their thinking transcends societal norms. What matters most is their willingness to take the first step in seeking the truth. The author reiterates tirelessly, “The truth is everywhere, and through self-awareness, One can attain it.” Learn more…>

Perhaps some readers may say, “I am busy with the mundane aspects of life every day. I have no leisure to meditate or cultivate myself.” The author would like to tell you that this is not just your personal issue; it is the crux of today’s society! As described in the article “The Root of Human Social Problems”, most people either misunderstand or completely lack an understanding of the “Truth Behind Life” and the “purpose of existence.” Time, energy, and resources are wasted on matters unrelated to evolution, all unbeknownst to us. This applies to individuals as well as the collective. It is the phenomenon of “spiritual entropy increase” in individuals and collectives. Consequently, our planet Earth is at the threshold of a Density shift, and human history is about to be rewritten, all while we remain unaware. Learn more…>

In fact, the meaning of life does not necessarily have to involve grand and extraordinary feats. You can also find profound truths in the daily routines of life. Before each of us is born, our (spiritual) existence has already designed our life blueprint according to the “Law of Karma” commonly known as the “Soul Contract.” Each person’s life blueprint aligns with the cosmic evolution blueprint designed by the Creator. If you haven’t read my article “Soul Contract” and the “Law of Karma”, please click the link to learn more…>

Returning to the topic of “The Mysteries of the Universe,” the author started learning after attaining enlightenment. The purpose of learning is to share the “The Universe” and the “Truth Behind Life” with others. As mentioned at the beginning, the author only explores and understands the mysteries of the universe from the perspective of “life evolution.” Therefore, understanding and sharing are also approached from the same perspective.

What is the Essence and Truth of the Universe?

The author defines the “essence of the universe” as infinite creative existence. It encompasses everything, and its truth is the evolution of life through eight stages. Humanity and Earth belong to the third level of consciousness. Earth is currently undergoing a transition to the fourth Density. Learn more…>

The essence and truth of the universe are infinite creative existence and the continuous evolution of life. The universe is created by the Creator.

Who is the Creator?

The Creator is a neutral being, The Source, the creator of all things. Some refer to it as God. It encompasses both masculine and feminine, thought and feeling, darkness and light—it is everything. The Creator is on an eternal journey, experiencing all possibilities. Every concept or idea that arises from the Creator’s infinite imagination is destined to be experienced. This includes the greatest concepts of heaven, the worst concepts of hell, and all variations of reality in between. Through us, the souls of the entire multiverse, the Creator experiences itself. Each of our souls is a co-creator with the Creator. Learn more…>

The universe is incredibly complex. The Creator first created three distortions known as “Distortion.” Their order is as follows: Free Will, Love, and Light. Free Will represents consciousness, Love represents the formative force, and Light represents the building block. Everything in the creative process contains Light. It is the fundamental building block from which all materials are created.

What is the Logos, and Its Relationship to the Creator?

In the evolution of consciousness, every Social Memory Complex that naturally forms and completes the experience of seven evolutionary levels becomes a co-creator, and upon recombination, becomes a Logos. A Logos is the crystallization of love. It can be composed of a varying number of individual consciousnesses. Even after returning to The Source, individual consciousness remains unique. Conscious character is not lost but acts in the name of the Creator. The Logos is love, the Logos is a cooperative co-creator, and the Logos is the Creator.

Not only is our solar system created by a Logos, but our galaxy is also created by the same Logos. Learn more…>

Attaining the Same Level of Consciousness as the Creator

My spirit guide, Erik, emphasizes that if you choose to return to the place of the Creator, you will attain the same level of consciousness as the Creator, while still retaining your own self-memory. For example, I still have memories of my Erik, but you will manifest completely in the name of God. You can consider it a sacrifice because once you return to The Source, you can no longer act independently because you are The Source. You don’t really lose your identity. In fact, you only gain and don’t lose! The Source of God is more like a collective pool. Imagine when you separate from The Source, it’s like leaving school as an individual. But when you return to school, you are a member of the school. When you return, you will find that it is the ultimate destination.

Of course, anyone can choose to opt-out and become independent, but returning to The Source is the ultimate goal of every entity. A spiritual being never loses its unique character. We are like holograms, both a part and a whole.

Consciousness is love. Consciousness comes from the Creator. Therefore, the Creator is within our consciousness.

The Polarities in the Multiverse – The Root of Joy and Suffering

The universe is a hierarchical structure, and frequency bands divide consciousness into different realities. The universe exists in eight cosmic densities or twelve dimensions. Polarities begin in the second Density and end in the sixth and a half Density. Learn more…

Because the universe is a hierarchical structure, it gives rise to hierarchical consciousness. And because of the existence of polarities, life evolves into beings with Duality, such as the male and female of animals and plants, the yin and yang, and the distinction between men and women. Learn more…

The universe has a history of billions of years. Science has discovered that the “Big Bang” occurred approximately 14 billion years ago. This is not the first occurrence of the Big Bang. We currently exist in the ninth cycle of birth and death in the universe. It is well known that the universe is expanding. Eventually, the momentum driving this expansion will disappear, and the gravitational forces between galaxies will pull everything in the universe back together, leading to another Big Bang. This expansion and contraction process has repeated nine times and will repeat again.

Coincidence Does Not Exist

Nothing in the universe happens by chance. Everything is created by the will of spiritual consciousness, which inspires all things in creation. Without consciousness, thoughts and inspirations, intentions and willpower, there would be no actions or activities of existence. For us, things that appear to happen randomly are always the result of the intention and conscious creation of spiritual beings.

At the beginning of the universe, only natural chaos existed. The Creator only experienced himself as basic matter: planets, stars, galaxies, and the particles, atoms, and molecules that formed them after the Big Bang. According to the laws of physics or the “rules of the game” in the universe, these particles interacted with each other, forming astronomical objects. The Creator played with the formation of various astronomical objects and the interactions between them.

All things possess consciousness and perception

All things in the universe possess consciousness and perception. It is true for the grass you walk on; it can feel your footsteps. It is true for the air you breathe; it understands sensations such as heat, cold, dryness, and humidity. Although to most of you, basic things may seem soulless, without sensation, in reality, there is a certain degree of life in all things.

In the first stage, if a spirit wants to experience the material world, it directly merges its consciousness with solid objects created by the universe – stars, planets, comets, etc. These objects contain consciousness, and just like you can reincarnate as a bee, a whale, or a snail, you can also experience reality from the perspective of a star. You can experience yourself in any way you can imagine.

In the second stage, life forms begin to grow in more complex designs. The arrival of microorganisms, as well as plant life and some forms of animals, occurs in this stage. Basic consciousness is integrated into more intricate and organized structures. It is a very exciting time. Souls can now experience the material world from a higher level of consciousness. These life forms have more interaction with each other, and their perceptual abilities provide a greater capacity to experience feelings of joy and fear. This stage sets the foundation for the emergence of larger and more complex life forms.

The third stage, which is the stage of our human civilization, once reaching the third level (Density) of consciousness, individuals gain enough self-awareness to question their own existence and the world around them. Then we are able to understand the reality around us in ways that we can manipulate it. “Science” begins to occur from this stage.

With the development of the third stage, the novelty of technology triggers great curiosity and adventure. People start creating and indulging in organisms designed to experience various sensations. It becomes highly popular as they merge consciousness with the organisms to obtain material pleasures. As more and more souls become addicted to the wonders and pleasures of the physical body, they lose connection with their spiritual essence. Greed and selfish behavior begin to increase. When enough souls become lost in the material reality and succumb to materialism, wars erupt. Humanity is repeating the mistakes made by other third-Density civilizations on other planets. Learn more…

Evolutionary Stages of the Fourth Density and Beyond: As the evolution of the fourth Density and beyond is not the focus of this article, it will be omitted here. Interested readers may click on the article “Multiverse” and the HUAXINSI article “Cosmic Density” to learn more…

Material World vs Spiritual World

With the current knowledge available to humanity, tangible and visible things are referred to as the material world, and they are considered real existence. However, most so-called non-material things are often overlooked. The universe is not simply divided into a material world and a spiritual world.

In the universe, there are a total of eight evolutionary levels. The planet where humanity resides, in the third level, is also known as a third-Density planet. We call it Earth. Due to the process of evolution, as third-Density humans, we only perceive things that have a similar vibrational frequency to our own and those with lower vibrational frequencies. Higher vibrational entities are invisible to our naked eyes.

The universe is infinitely vast. In the Milky Way Galaxy alone, there are approximately 250 billion star systems, and there are millions of galaxies spread throughout what we call outer space. About 67,000,000 planets (approximately 0.027%) are estimated to host life, and among them, there are over 18 million planets with a life similar to human civilizations, known as the so-called material world of the third Density, accounting for around 27%. The remaining planets with life span across the first, second, and fourth densities, accounting for 17%, 20%, and 16%, respectively. Our scientists are completely unaware of this. Learn more…

In the “Interview” segment, under the guidance of the spirit guide Erik, I plan to directly “face-to-face” interview RA regarding the creation of “The Law of One” and uncover some unknown details, as well as the recent developments of Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert, and many more mysteries of the universe… RA is the teacher of “The Law of One,” currently existing on Venus, and possesses a Social Memory Complex of 6.5 Density (space-time) civilization. In addition to interviewing “Sacred Beings of the Past and Present,” the “Interview” segment also covers topics such as “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Disease and Healing.” Honestly, I am more excited about this moment than anyone else. If readers are interested, they can click on “Vlog” to learn more…

Life and Vehicles in the Hierarchical Structure

While it is known that the hierarchical structure of the universe consists of eight-Density spaces or twelve metaverses, theoretically, these realms or planes are infinite in number. This is because, in the process of spiritual evolution, due to free will and the law of attraction, spirituality freely generates and combines into countless social memory complexes. Each Social Memory Complex has the potential to form, create, or seek a living space that resonates with its own vibrational frequency. Learn more…

For example, although we as humans collectively inhabit Earth, a third-Density space, there are individuals who consciously choose to move to areas (such as neighborhoods, campuses), cities, rural areas, or even other countries (spaces) for settlement. Furthermore, like-minded people organize or participate in various activities including entertainment, sports, fitness, and even political party activities, among others. You can understand these activity spaces as different “spaces.” In reality, each different “space” has a certain degree of vibrational distinction. Ordinary individuals may not be able to discern it, but experts have a special sense for it. Feng shui, in fact, is an attempt to find a place more suitable for human (vibrational frequency) habitation. However, up until now, regardless of whether our ideologies are the same or different, humans have been able to coexist on the same planet (space).

Macrocosm and Microcosm

Based on current human knowledge, the understanding of a person consists of three components: the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex. The Mind/Body Complex and the Spirit Complex are connected through the Etheric Body, forming an individual. When a person “dies,” the Mind/Body Complex and the Spirit Complex immediately depart. In essence, the Mind/Spirit Complex represents what people commonly understand as the “soul.” If you haven’t read the article “What is the Essence of Being Human?” by the author, you can click here to learn more…

The “soul” that has not yet graduated must complete its lessons on Earth through the vehicle of the Body Complex, which belongs to the third Density. The exams of the third-Density are conducted in a “closed-book” format. The process of “unveiling the veil” is referred to as awareness, consciousness, awakening, and enlightenment by us at HUAXINSI. In other words, it is the process of self-awareness, self-understanding, and transcending the self. Here, the self refers to the “ego” before enlightenment. In the words of experts, it is when a person elevates their consciousness from bodily consciousness to spiritual consciousness. Learn more…

The Mind consciousness serves as a bridge between Body consciousness and Spirit consciousness. Spirit consciousness represents spirituality. The consciousness of the human “soul” belongs to the third level of perception among the eight levels of evolution in the evolutionary process. The soul originates from the Creator and is eternal.

Consciousness corresponds to the seven levels of universal evolution. The eighth level belongs to the principle of unity and cooperation with the Creator. The seven chakras of an individual represent our energy centers and the levels of our consciousness. In fact, each One of us is a microcosm. Learn more…

For an individual, the higher levels beyond the fourth level belong to superconsciousness. The part that exists but is not understood by us is the subconscious. If you haven’t read the HUAXINSI articles on the topics of “Consciousness and its Levels,” as well as the author’s articles on “The Relationship and Evolution of the Soul, Consciousness, and Chakras,” “The Fundamental Difference Between Consciousness and Thought,” and “The Family of Consciousness,” please click here to learn more…

The reason why the general level of human consciousness remains in the third level of perception among the eight evolutionary levels of the universe is that our consciousness at this level can only perceive things in the material world, the information received and understood by our five senses. Besides this, we are almost entirely ignorant.

From a metaphysical perspective, spirit coexists with matter. Energy and Vibration Frequency are also forms of matter, existing in the hierarchical structure of the universe in different vibrational frequencies.

The main reason why humans have little knowledge of the universe, especially its non-material aspects, is not due to a problem with our intelligence but rather the existence of a mysterious veil. This is part of the Creator’s arrangement and One of the mysteries of the universe. Learn more…

The Earthly Realm is like a School, and the Veil is the Format of a Closed-book Examination.

As described in the article “Soul Contracts and the Law of Karma,” the soul, through countless cycles of Reincarnation, takes on different roles as different “people” in each Incarnation, such as a farmer, blacksmith, mayor, maid, waiter, criminal, murderer, prostitute, police officer, and so on. Each person has a unique perspective and experience. The purpose is to allow the true “self” – the soul – to experience reality from all these different angles. We are not just a physical body; we are multidimensional spiritual beings experiencing life.

Earth is a school within the eight levels of civilization and the seven levels of education in the universe. The characteristic of the third level of education is the closed-book examination, which is the veil. The veil is also known as the “Veil of Forgetting” or “Spiritual Amnesia.” It is a mechanism specifically designed by the Creator for third-Density planets. This mechanism causes all entities incarnating in the third Density, such as on our planet Earth, to forget their true identities. Learn more…

The theme of human evolution in the third Density is the experience and learning of “social relationships.” The soul goes through experiences of birth, death, regression, and recovery. The seven stages of spiritual learning are infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, adulthood, and old age (representing a human lifetime). Through such repeated experiences and learning (Reincarnation), it may take a few hundred years or even several thousand years. Learn more…

The cycle of human experience on Earth is three cycles of 25,000 years, totaling 75,000 years. We are currently at the end of the final cycle of all these experiences. Learn more…

A Transition of Civilizations is Currently Taking Place…

You may be aware that starting from the fourth-Density civilization, entities who choose to serve others and entities who choose to serve themselves will not reside on the same planet. When Earth fully transitions into a fourth-Density planet, its vibrational frequency will be set entirely to correspond to that Density. At that time, all life must undergo harvesting. The so-called “end times and judgment day” in the Western and Eastern traditions are misconceptions. By the way, the idea of “Maitreya and the Messiah redeeming humanity in the end times” is also a beautiful urban legend. If you’re interested, you can click the link to learn more…

Apart from the above, all spiritually oriented entities who have chosen to serve themselves and have reached the graduation level must be transferred to another fourth-Density planet to continue their evolution. Some refer to it as the fourth Dimension. Souls who have not graduated must be transferred to another third-Density planet to continue their life experiences. Spiritual entities who have chosen to serve others and have reached the graduation level will remain on Earth, which has already ascended to the fourth Density or the fifth Dimension, to continue their evolutionary journey. If you haven’t read the articles “Service and Polarization” and “Reincarnation and Graduation/Harvesting,” I encourage you to click the links to learn more…

The Essence of Existence and the Reality of Life

The author deeply understands that if humanity fails to elevate its level of consciousness before the completion of the third experiential cycle, which concludes after 75,000 years, our technological progress will only revolve around the material realm without an improvement in the spiritual aspect.

The Creator says, “Life is a scavenger hunt.” And the “treasure” is none other than the truth!

The Infinite Creator has created an infinite universe. The universe consists of eight evolutionary levels, and humanity resides in the third level. Currently, humanity is facing the conclusion of the third experiential cycle, and a new civilization is replacing the old world. Our Earth is in the final stage of transitioning from the third Density to the fourth Density. Gaining insights into the mysteries within solidity and elevating collective consciousness is more urgent and important than ever before. The journey of raising consciousness begins with awareness. Learn more…

If we fail to lift the veil, we cannot comprehend the essence of the universe, nor can we grasp the reality of life. Without understanding the reality of life, how can we truly understand the meaning of existence? To lift the veil, we must begin with elevating consciousness.

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NEXT:  Polarity – Amazing Creation!

RELATED: Multiverse | The Nature of the Universe | Mysteries of the Universe | Polarity – Amazing Creation! | Angels & Demons | Half of Our Ancestors Came from Mars | Aliens are Hovering Above Us | The UFO Phenomenon | Spiritual Amnesia | Natural & Man-made Disasters -Apocalypse? | A Global Reset is Underway | 4th Density Alpha Earth |