MiLOVE’s original intention was to share his insights and knowledge online. However, after completing his meticulously crafted articles and blog posts, and while preparing to establish the “ERIK ACADEMY” and getting ready for his TALKS on Metaphysics, he discovered that these writings had gradually formed a comprehensive theory capable of deciphering the “Multiverses, Lifeforms, Life Purpose, and Soul Journey“. Not only could it explain many mysteries in the universe, but it could also be used to explain the essence and origins of various problems in human society. This has the potential to help people raise their awareness and improve the world.

Meanwhile, MiLOVE noticed that his transcendental theory did not fit within the existing frameworks of philosophy and Metaphysics. As a result, he needed to find a more accurate vocabulary to express the theoretical system he had learned and comprehended. Learn more…>

Through meditation, a word came to mind: “Metasophy.” “Meta-sophy” is composed of two words: its prefix “meta-” indicates that it goes beyond or transcends the concept of “sophy,” which is related to wisdom or knowledge. It suggests a higher-level exploration or perspective on wisdom and knowledge, possibly involving contact with and teaching beyond this reality. Upon further investigation into the Chinese meaning of “Meta” (元), it was found to represent fundamental, primary, and first meanings. Without hesitation, he named his evolving theory “Metasophism”.

Nouns and adjectives related to “Metasophy” include: “Metasophism”, “Metasophic” or “Metasophical”, “Metasophist”, and “Metasopher”…etc.

Currently, the term “Metasophy” is not included in any dictionary. Certainly, it does not have a Chinese translation. Because of this, the author temporarily sets the Chinese name of “Metasophy” as “元学”.

“元学” is a provisional translation, “元哲學” (yuán zhéxué) and “元智學” (yuán zhì xué) are also candidate translations. MiLOVE hopes to gather readers’ opinions and select a more accurate translation among “元學”, “元哲學”, “元智學”, or even beyond these options.

MiLOVE will continue to use “Metasophy” as the term to represent his theory and continue refining it. The theory of Metasophy not only raises questions but also provides answers. Its theoretical framework includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Is the universe a natural existence or a creation?
  2. If the latter, who created it?
  3. How was it created?
  4. What is the purpose of this creation?
  5. How large is the universe, and is it layered?
  6. What are the multiverse and balanced universe?
  7. By what rules does the universe operate?
  8. What is the Earth’s position in the universe?
  9. What is the origin of humanity?
  10. What is the relationship between humans and the universe?
  11. Are there civilizations more advanced than ours?
  12. If so, what are their life forms?
  13. Do individuals have destinies? What is the collective destiny of humanity?
  14. What are karma, fate, and destiny, and their relationships?
  15. What is the soul, and how does it relate to individuals or living beings?
  16. What is consciousness, and how does it relate to thought?
  17. What is the purpose and meaning of life?
  18. What is the main difference between the soul and the purpose of life?
  19. How can One understand the True Self?
  20. What is the veil, its purpose, and its function?
  21. How can the veil be lifted?
  22. … and many more.

All these questions can be found in MiLOVE’s articles and blog posts on the HUAXINSI website. These topics will be further refined in MiLOVE’s Talks and the curriculum being prepared for the “ERIK ACADEMY.”

MiLOVE has repeatedly emphasized that the metasophycal theory is not his own creation but rather the ubiquitous wisdom of the universe. It’s just by chance, acting through him or in his name. He himself acquired it through long-term humble study, practice, meditation, and carefully observing the manifestations of various channels. His mentors are said to include his friends and family members, as well as ordinary people, extraterrestrials, guiding spirits, angels, and archangels who live in different times and spaces. In fact, everyone can get what he has and even do better than him.

The Metasophy theory research is based on everything that exists. It is not a complex theoretical system; on the contrary, it is a simple and highly logical metasophical framework. Although it has not yet been confirmed or refuted by the methods of modern science or physics, when you sincerely contemplate it, you will understand its mysteries and transcend traditional wisdom.

MiLOVE believes that the universe (including all life) is composed of both spirit and matter. Everything is energy. Trying to understand the universe using only physical methods is not feasible. We must simultaneously employ spiritual and physical methods. As for why modern scientists cannot use spiritual methods, in other words, why modern scientific means cannot confirm or refute what exists in the universe, this is precisely the focus of the Metasophycal theory.

Why was Metasophy born? It is neither too early nor too late, coinciding with the completion of the 75,000-year Experience Cycle of Earth, a third-Density planet, and the transition to the fourth-Density or fifth Metaverse. Do you think this is a coincidence? Learn more…>

Hopefully, Metasophism, a novel, and yet transcendental theory that explains everything that exists in the Universe, will be widely accepted, and Metasophy will become a mandatory course in schools. The more people research and promote it, the more welcome readers are to join the Metasophy family and become One of the Metasophists.

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If you have any opinions or suggestions, please leave a comment below.

Love and Light,
A humble messenger of the Infinite Creator

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